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Greenfoot back
Klumb wrote ...


3.1 caused a lot of troubles

Klumb Klumb


Hello this is a rant on the 3.1 update. This update was supposed to be seamless but with one of my project it was really annoying. the first annoying change was the suppression of the fillShape() method. I have a method that creates some polygons and another method that draws them. now the first method needs to return a int instead of a Polygon, or I need to use fillPolygon(poly.xpoints,poly.ypoints,poly.npoints) instead of fillShape(poly). In either case the code is less clean and readable. the second problem was with the greenfoot.Color it wouldn't cause any trouble if it had all the methods that java.awt.Color proposed and if there was a way construct a greenfoot.Color from a awt Color. But there isn't so I had to add the methods myself in a subclass
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