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Aristoclea wrote ...


My Aliens wont move at all (space invaders)

Aristoclea Aristoclea


I got everything else for the game but for some reason the Aliens won't move at all. Is my code completely wrong?
public class Alien extends Actor
    protected int delayCounter;   //Counts cycles.
    protected int counter;             //Another counter variable.
    public int modulus;                // make aliens move.
    public boolean first;              //first move cycle then true.
    public boolean Left;               // Alien movement to the left = true. 
     * Allows the Alien to be destroyed by shooter bullet.
    public void act() 
        Actor bullet = getOneIntersectingObject(Bullet.class);
        if(bullet != null)
     * Allows the Alien to shoot
    public void shoot ()
        getWorld().addObject (new AlienBullet(), getX(), getY());
     * Where each veriable is set.
    public Alien()
        delayCounter = 0; 
        Left = true;
        modulus = 20;
        counter = 0;
        first = true;
    * This method tells the Alien how to move
    public void move()
       if (counter < (20 * modulus) && first) //Go left if counter is less than 400
       else if (counter < (35 * modulus) && !Left && !first ) //Go right if counter
                                                                //is less than 750 and
       else if (counter < (35 * modulus) && Left && !first ) //Go left if counter is
                                                               //less than 700
       if ( counter == (35 * modulus) ) //Tells the aliens to move down
            counter = 0;
            Left = !Left;
       else if (counter == (20 * modulus) && first) //Tells the aliens to move down 
                                                    //once it hits the left edge of te world
           first = false;
           counter = 0;
           Left = !Left;
     * This Tells the Aliens to move left
    public void moveLeft()
        if ( (delayCounter % modulus) == 0)
            setLocation(getX()-10, getY());
     * this tells the aliens how to go right
    public void moveRight()
       if ( (delayCounter % modulus) == 0)
            setLocation(getX()+10, getY());
     * This shows the aliens how to go down
   public void moveDown()
         setLocation(getX(), getY() + 10);
danpost danpost


Just because you have a 'move' method does not mean your actor will move. The method must be called from somewhere to be executed.
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