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Greenfoot back
Sirpancakeking wrote ...


So I am trying to make it so when the fireball class intersects with the spider class once, the spider class dies

Sirpancakeking Sirpancakeking


So not just when the images of the fireball and spider are intersecting but if they are/have intersected then the spider dies. Also if a spider touches the main character then how could i make it so a boolean variable is true so I can switch worlds to a death screen world.
Yehuda Yehuda


What's the difference between: "when the images of the fireball and spider are intersecting" and "they are/have intersected"? In the spider class you can put the following code at the end of the Spider's act method.
if (isTouching(Fireball.class)) { //if spider touching fireball
    removeTouching(Fireball.class); //remove fireball
    getWorld().removeObject(this); //remove spider
Sirpancakeking Sirpancakeking


ok thank you, so do you know of any code that would make it so when a spider touches the main class then the world switches to a deathscreen world?
Yehuda Yehuda


In class Main you can put the following in the act method.
if (isTouching(Spider.class)) {
    Greenfoot.setWorld(new DeathScreen());
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