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Greenfoot back
GregC246 wrote ...



GregC246 GregC246


Whenever I run a scenario at 50% speed (which I assume is the closest to a monitor's refresh rate) and there is an actor or multiple actors in constant motion, they seem to jitter periodically (about every second).Example I'm pretty sure it's not just my computer, but it might be. If not, is there any way to get around it? It's pretty hard to miss in the game that I am making and is really annoying.
erdelf erdelf


I downloaded your file, and I can't see anything like that. Why are you sure its not your pc?
GregC246 GregC246


I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure it has happened to me on a different computer. Nevermind then, if it's just me, then it doesn't matter.
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