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ThinkingPainter wrote ...


Best way to add Actor visual effects, after death.

ThinkingPainter ThinkingPainter


Wondering how to make my Actor do a visual effects, when he dies. What would be the best way of achieveing this? Thanks
danpost danpost


That would depend on what kind of visual effect you were looking for. Fading? Shrinking? Expanding and POPping? EXPLODING? Floating to Heaven? Sinking into the ground? (you see where I am going?) Then, what code do you have so far, in that respect?
ThinkingPainter ThinkingPainter


I want it to Explode, but right now it is just disapearing heres the code i currently have public void eat() { Actor blip; blip= getOneObjectAtOffset(0, 0, Blip.class); if (blip != null) { World world; world = getWorld(); world.removeObject(blip); } } what i'm looking for is my actor Blip to explode when he is removed Thanks ThinkingPainter
danpost danpost


What you are looking for is in the 'lunarlanding' sample scenario that comes with Greenfoot.
ThinkingPainter ThinkingPainter


I put the code in, but there is a bunch of errors i am unaware on how to fix. Is there a way i could make a simpler code? It doesn't have to be an explosion, as long as it does something other than disappear, and continue playing... maybe like a "The End" after the main actor is dead and game starts over?
erdelf erdelf


you could make a gif-animation. Greenfoot provides a class to play gif files.
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