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Gazzzah wrote ...


How do I use getObjectsInRange?

Gazzzah Gazzzah


I'm trying to write code to determine if an enemy hears a 'gunshot'. I figured I could use getObjectsInRange with the actor I use for a gunFlash. This is what I have:
private boolean hearShot()
        heardShot = (GunFlash) getObjectsInRange(1200, GunFlash.class);
        return heardShot != null;
if (!canSeePlayer() && hearShot())
            lastSeen.set(heardShot.x, heardShot.y);
When I try to run I get this error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to GunFlash at Enemy.hearShot( at Enemy.stateOfBehaviour( at Enemy.act( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.actActor( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runOneLoop( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runContent( at So I guess the problem is that it's returning a list and I just want the one actor. How can I adapt this to make it work? Or is there anything I could use alternatively? It would be nice if there was a way to detect nearby objects like the getOneIntersectingObject and getOneObjectAtOffset methods, but they don't really cover areas :/ (Just had an idea as I wrote that: what if I create an actor that is just a massive invisible box and use getOneIntersectingObject... would that work?)
SPower SPower


First, import the List class:
import java.util.List;
Then, do this:
List<GunFlash> actors = getObjectsInRange(1200, GunFlash.class);
We're creating a list, not a single actor. Finally, walk through the list:
for (GunFlash a in actors) {
    if (a != null) {
          // the code for each GunFlash
Gazzzah Gazzzah


I only need one, chances are there will only be one anyway. I don't think there will be any loss if it just picks the first one on the list.
SPower SPower


If you just want one, change the walk through the list code to:
for (GunFlash a in actors) {  
    if (a != null) {  
          // the code for each GunFlash  
Gazzzah Gazzzah


A'ight, sweet, thanks
Gazzzah Gazzzah


Actually, I don't really want to apply code to the "GunFlash"s, I really just want it to return true if there is something in the list.
SPower SPower


You're not required to do something for each GunFlash, just say:
for (GunFlash a in actors) {  
    if (a != null) {  
          return true;
trash1000 trash1000


First, that's not the correct syntax for a foreach loop in Java.
for(Gunflash a : actors) {
    if(a != null) {
        return true;
Second, I don't really know if getObjectsInRange() is the best way to do it. But you don't really need a foreach-loop to determine whether or not the list is empty.
private boolean heardShot() {
    return getObjectsInRange(1200, GunFlash.class).isEmpty();
So when there are no objects of GunFlash.class in range the enemy did not hear to shot, when there it did.
SPower SPower


I'm sorry for the wrong fast enumeration loop: I was confused with objective c.
Gazzzah Gazzzah


Ahhhh, yeah thanks guys
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