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xixEmilyxix wrote ...


using a variable from another class in the world class

xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


Hi, i have a variable - weatherValue that is in my WeatherInput class and i need to use the value of weatherValue in my BeeWorld class (my world class). How would i go about this? This is the code to set the value of weatherValue in the WeatherInput class:
 weatherValue = Integer.parseInt(Greenfoot.ask("Please input a value for the weather"));
danpost danpost


Please provide codes in BeeWorld class.
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


this is the code relating to the weather value
public class BeeWorld extends World
    //declare variables
    Flower PinkFlower;
    BeeInput beeValue;
    StartButton StartButton;
    WeatherInput WeatherInput;
    WeatherInput weatherValue;
and this is where i need im using it
    public void runSimulation()
         int weatherValue = WeatherInput.weatherValue;

         if(weatherValue >= -40 || weatherValue <= 15)
             //if the weather value is between -40 and 15 then the low temp simulation will run
         } else if(weatherValue >= 16 || weatherValue <= 27)
             //if the weather value is between 16 and 27 then the regular temp simulation will run
         } else if(weatherValue >= 28 || weatherValue <= 40)
             //if the weather value is between 28 and 40 then the high temp simulation will run
danpost danpost


Your fields (which I am not sure all are needed) in your BeeWorld class should be like this:
Flower pinkFlower;
BeeInput beeValue;
StartButton startButton;
WeatherInput weatherInput;
// WeatherInput weatherValue;
The last line was commented out as its value is contained in weatherInput (in the WeatherInput object) and can be obtained by using "weatherInput.weatherValue".
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


When i remove line 5. it then displays an error which is this: ava.lang.NullPointerException at BeeWorld.runSimulation( at BeeWorld.<init>( at StartButton.act(
danpost danpost


Please show full BeeWorld class.
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class BeeWorld here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class BeeWorld extends World
    //declare variables
    Flower PinkFlower;
    BeeInput beeValue;
    StartButton StartButton;
    WeatherInput WeatherInput;
     * Constructor for objects of class BeeWorld.
    public BeeWorld()
        //set background to main screen when button is pressed
        super(864, 540, 1);
        setBackground(new GreenfootImage("Background.png"));
        //add the add day button
        AddDay AddDay = new AddDay ();
        addObject (AddDay, getWidth (), getHeight()); 
        //add the day counter
        showText("Day: 1",  800, 50);
        //add the bee counter
        showText("Bees: " + beeValue, 800, 25);
        //add the nectar counter
        //add the honey counter
        //add the help button
        HelpButton HelpButton = new HelpButton ();
        addObject (HelpButton, getWidth (), getHeight ()); 
        //run the simulation
    public void runSimulation()
         int weatherValue = WeatherInput.weatherValue;

         if(weatherValue >= -40 || weatherValue <= 15)
             //if the weather value is between -40 and 15 then the low temp simulation will run
         } else if(weatherValue >= 16 || weatherValue <= 27)
             //if the weather value is between 16 and 27 then the regular temp simulation will run
         } else if(weatherValue >= 28 || weatherValue <= 40)
             //if the weather value is between 28 and 40 then the high temp simulation will run
    public void lowTemperature()
        //add flowers to the bee world
        PinkFlower PinkFlower = new PinkFlower ();        
        addObject(PinkFlower, getWidth(), getHeight());
    public void regularTemperature()
    public void highTemperature()
danpost danpost


I do not see where you are creating a WeatherInput object:
weatherInput = new WeatherInput();
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


ive added this and it does not seem to be taking into account what i set the weather value at, as it is only running lowTemperature()
    public void runSimulation()
         WeatherInput = new WeatherInput();
         int weatherValue = WeatherInput.weatherValue;

         if(weatherValue >= -40 || weatherValue <= 15)
             //if the weather value is between -40 and 15 then the low temp simulation will run
         } else if(weatherValue >= 16 || weatherValue <= 27)
             //if the weather value is between 16 and 27 then the regular temp simulation will run
         } else if(weatherValue >= 28 || weatherValue <= 40)
             //if the weather value is between 28 and 40 then the high temp simulation will run
danpost danpost


xixEmilyxix wrote...
ive added this and it does not seem to be taking into account what i set the weather value at, as it is only running lowTemperature()
Please provide WeatherInput class codes. It appears that you may have misplaced a line or two.
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


public class WeatherInput extends Actor
    //create variable
    public int weatherValue;
     * Act - do whatever the weatherInput wants to do. This method is called whenever
     * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
    public void act() 
      //Create input box, ask for value, set bounds for weatherValue
      setImage(new GreenfootImage("Input.png"));
      //show weatherValue in the box on main menu
      getWorld().showText("" + weatherValue, 400, 250);
      //set value of weather based off the input
            weatherValue = Integer.parseInt(Greenfoot.ask("Please input a value for the weather"));
        if(weatherValue < -40 || weatherValue > 40)
            World world = getWorld();
            world.addObject(new ErrorMessageWeather(), 350, 200);
        } else {
            World world = getWorld();
danpost danpost


Don't you still need to add the WeatherInput object into the world and then run the simulation and click on it so that you can change its value?
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


the weather input is in the MainMenu world i have, its at the start thats where you enter the value and then after you have entered it, you hit the start button and it goes to the BeeWorld world. This is my MainMenu class:
public class MainMenu extends World
    //declare variables
    ErrorMessageWeather ErrorMessageWeather;
    StartButton StartButton;
    WeatherInput WeatherInput;
    HelpButton HelpButton;

     * Constructor for objects of class mainMenu.
    public MainMenu()
        // Create the main menu
        super(864, 540, 1);
        setBackground(new GreenfootImage("MainMenu.png"));
        //add the help button
        HelpButton HelpButton = new HelpButton ();
        addObject (HelpButton, getWidth (), getHeight ()); 
        //add start button to main menu
        StartButton StartButton = new StartButton ();
        addObject (StartButton, getWidth (), getHeight ()); 
        //add weather input box to main menu
        WeatherInput WeatherInput = new WeatherInput ();
        addObject (WeatherInput, getWidth (), getHeight ()); 
danpost danpost


xixEmilyxix wrote...
the weather input is in the MainMenu world i have]
But that is not being passed to the other world.
xixEmilyxix xixEmilyxix


how would i do that? i thought because i assigned it in the WeatherInput class it didnt matter?
 weatherValue = Integer.parseInt(Greenfoot.ask("Please input a value for the weather"));
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