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Greenfoot back
soumya.__.khanna wrote ...


Adding Lives This is very urgent so please help asap!

danpost danpost


soumya.__.khanna wrote...
It's still doing the same thing
Remove line 22.
danpost wrote...
should only be in your Hero class.
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


The hearts are still not being removed as lives decrease
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


Hero class
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
 * Write a description of class Hero here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Hero extends Actor
    public static GreenfootImage[]IDLE = 
                                            {new GreenfootImage("Idle0.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Idle1.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Idle2.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Idle3.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Idle4.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Idle5.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Idle6.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Idle7.png")};
    public static GreenfootImage[] GROUNDLEFT =
                                            {new GreenfootImage("Left1.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Left2.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Left3.png")};
    public static GreenfootImage[] GROUNDRIGHT =
                                            {new GreenfootImage("Right1.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Right2.png"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("Right3.png")};
    public boolean triggerReleased; //Once weapon has been released
    public int attackCycle; //For the hero to attack
    public static int LifeLine;
    public int speed; //Refers to the heros' speed, and health
    public int frame;
    public int actCounter;
    public int skipRate;
    public int floor = 448;
    public GreenfootImage[] animation;
    //doubles to allow decimals
    public double gravity, gravityIncrement;
    public boolean groundLevel;
    public boolean changeAnimation;
    public boolean movingRight;
    public boolean movingLeft; 
    public boolean damageTaken = false; //Hero has not taken any damage
    public int damageTakenTimer = 0; 
    public void act() 
        triggerReleased = true; //Trigger is released
    public Hero()
        this.LifeLine = 5;
        frame = 0; //initial frame
        skipRate = 75; //speed of animaation
        actCounter = 0; //initial act
        speed = 3; //How fast it moves
        gravity = 0; //Don't sink
        gravityIncrement = .1; //Velocity 
    public void updateAmimation()
            frame ++;
            if( frame >= animation.length)
                frame = 0;
    public boolean animate()
        return actCounter % skipRate == 0;
    public void fireWeapons(FireBall fireThis)
        fireThis.setRotation (getRotation());
        getWorld().addObject (fireThis,getX(),getY());
    public void attack()
        if(attackCycle <= 0) //To avoid rapid shooting
                fireWeapons(new FireBall(3, 3)); //Shoot the weapons depending on whether or not key is pressed
                triggerReleased = true; //Otherwise, trigger is released.
            attackCycle = 10; // n being the cooldown in act cycles.    
        else if(attackCycle > 0)
            attackCycle--; // decrement by 1 per act cycle.
    public void marioMover()
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left")) //Go in the left direction(accoring to speed), if left key is down
            setLocation(getX() - speed, getY());
            movingLeft = true;
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right")) //Move right
            setLocation(getX() + speed, getY());
            movingRight = true;
        gravity(); //Fall from the top, and after jumps
    public void gravity()
        setLocation(getX(), getY() +(int) gravity); //Stay at the same x value, but fall with gravity
        gravity = gravity + gravityIncrement; //Adding velocity
    public void onFloor(Actor block)
        int blockHeight = block.getImage().getHeight(); //Height of the block
        int blockTop = block.getY() - blockHeight/2; //Height of a part of the block
        setLocation(getX(), blockTop-getCustomHeight()); //Change to this location
        skipRate = skipRate; //Reset jumping animation to normal speed
        groundLevel = true;
    private void checkCeiling() 
            Actor ceiling = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, -getCustomHeight(), Block.class);//Create information of platforms at offset
            if(ceiling != null)//Check for platform(double negative)
                groundLevel = false;
        catch(IllegalStateException ex)
    private void goToCeiling(Actor ceiling) //Check for what is on top of Mario's head
        int ceilingHeight = ceiling.getImage().getHeight();
        int ceilingBottom = ceiling.getY() + ceilingHeight/2;
        setLocation(getX(), ceilingBottom+getCustomHeight()); //Set this location
    public void floatingMario()
        if (getY() >= floor) //Don't go past the floor
            setLocation(getX(), floor);
    //Getters and Setters    
    public int getSpeed()
        return speed; //Get information from speed
    public void setSpeed(int s)
        speed = s; 
    public int getHeight() 
        return getImage().getHeight();
    public int getCustomHeight() 
        return getImage().getHeight()/4;
    public int getWidth()
        return getImage().getWidth();
    public int getCustomWidth()
        return getImage().getWidth()/4;
    public static int getLives()
        return LifeLine;
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


Swimming Mario
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
* Write a description of class SwimmingMario here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class SwimmingMario extends Hero
    private static GreenfootImage[] RIGHT =
                                            {new GreenfootImage("SwimLeft0.gif"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("SwimLeft1.gif"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("SwimLeft2.gif"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("SwimLeft3.gif"),};
    private static GreenfootImage[] LEFT =
                                            {new GreenfootImage("SwimRight0.gif"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("SwimRight1.gif"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("SwimRight2.gif"),
                                             new GreenfootImage("SwimRight3.gif"),};
    public SwimmingMario() 
        animation = RIGHT; //Animation when staying the way it is 
    public void act() 
    public void marioAnimator()
            if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space") && movingLeft)
                animateLogic(LEFT, 9);
            else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space") && movingRight)
                animateLogic(RIGHT, 9);
            else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") && animation != LEFT)
                animateLogic(LEFT, 10);
            else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") && animation != RIGHT)
                animateLogic(RIGHT, 10);
            if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") && animation != GROUNDLEFT)
                animateLogic(GROUNDLEFT, 10);
            else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") && animation != GROUNDRIGHT)
                animateLogic(GROUNDRIGHT, 10);
            else if (!Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") && !Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") && animation != IDLE)
                animateLogic(IDLE, 50);
    public void animateLogic(GreenfootImage[] animation, int skipRate)
        this.animation = animation; //The animation sequence to play
        this.skipRate = skipRate ; //How fast the animation will be in each case
        actCounter = skipRate - 1;
        frame = 0;
    private void whatIsGround() //Check for the floor that Mario is on
        Actor block = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, getCustomHeight(), Block.class);//Create information of platforms at offset
        if(block == null)//Check for no platform
            groundLevel = false; //is not on ground
            //groundLevel = true; //is on ground
            onFloor(block); //initiate method on Floor
            gravity = 0; //No sinking
            jumpingJumping(); //Allow for jumping
    public void jumpingJumping()
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space") && (!groundLevel || groundLevel)) //regular jump
            gravity = -4;
            groundLevel = false;
            changeAnimation = true;
    public void marioDeath()
    public void checkContact()
       if (isTouching(Enemies.class) && damageTaken == false)
            Enemies tempEnemy = (Enemies)getOneIntersectingObject(Enemies.class);
            damageTaken = true;
            damageTakenTimer = 50;
            //setLocation(getWorld().getWidth()/9, getWorld().getHeight()-floatHeight);
        if (damageTaken == true)
            //Prevent dying continuously when colliding
            if(damageTakenTimer <= 0)
                damageTaken = false;
        if(this.LifeLine == 0)
            Greenfoot.setWorld(new Death());
    public void decreaseLives()
        this.LifeLine -= 1;
danpost danpost


soumya.__.khanna wrote...
The hearts are still not being removed as lives decrease
Show other classes (so I can see what you currently have).
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


Worlds Class
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
 * The parent class of worlds
 * @soumya.__.khanna (Soumya Khanna) 
 * @I'llLookItUp (Jun 17th, 2020)
public class Worlds extends World
    public int width = getWidth(); //Width of the world --Accessed in children classes
    public Hero mario = new Hero(); //Declaring the Swimming Mario Class
    //Number of hearts based on the life of Mario
    public Life life0;
    public Life life1;
    public Life life2;
    public Life life3;
    public Life life4;
    public Score score; //Adding the score board 
    public void act()
    public Worlds()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
        super(2200, 576, 1, false);
    public void lifeCounter(int x, int y)
        //Declaring all lives
        life0 = new Life();
        life1 = new Life();
        life2 = new Life();
        life3 = new Life();
        life4 = new Life();
        //Adding lifes evenly spaced around
        addObject(life0, x, y);
        addObject(life1, x + 30, y);
        addObject(life2, x + 60, y);
        addObject(life3, x + 90, y);
        addObject(life4, x + 120, y);
    public void checkLife(int numLives) //Please add comments once it starts to work!!!
        //Make lifeCounter represent Mario's lives 
        if(mario.getLives() == 4)
        else if(mario.getLives() == 3)
        else if(mario.getLives() == 2)
        else if(mario.getLives() == 1)
        else if(mario.getLives() == 0)
    public Score getScore()
        return score; //Information from scoreboard
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


Water World's class
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
 * This is the underwater level world
 * @soumya.__.khanna (Soumya Khanna) 
 * @IKnowIt (Jun 17th, 2020)
public class WaterWorld extends Worlds
    public void act()
        super.act(); //To be access checkLives from world class
    public WaterWorld()
        //Placing all actors in the world
     public void prepare()
        //Adds the floor blocks
        //First row of blocks
        topBlocks(getWidth() - 2248 ,getHeight()- 500); //Left chunck of blocks
        topBlocks(getWidth() - 200,getHeight()- 500); //Right blocks
        middleBlocks(getWidth()/2 ,getHeight()- 500); // Main chunk of blocks in the middle of the world
        //Smaller chuncks of blocks on each side
        sideBlocks(getWidth()/3 - 500 ,getHeight()- 310); //Left Side
        sideBlocks(getWidth()/3 + 1300 ,getHeight()- 310); //Right Side
        //Main hero
        addObject(new SwimmingMario(), getWidth()/8, getHeight()/2);
        //Adding Cheep Cheeps
        //Placing the hearts that represent Mario's life
        lifeCounter(getWidth()/30, getHeight() - 50);
        lifeCounter(getWidth() - 150, getHeight() - 50);
        //Adding a score board in the center of the world
        addObject(new Score(), getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2 + 150);
    public void addFloor()
        WaterFloor block = new WaterFloor(); //Declaring the WaterFloor class 
        int blockWidth = block.getImage().getWidth(); //Int for the width of the block
        int blockHeight = block.getImage().getHeight(); //Int for height of the block
        int numBlocksFloor = getWidth() / blockWidth; //The number of blocks on the floor / by width of the block so all Floor has blocks
        int spacing = 2048 / numBlocksFloor; //The number of blocks divided by width of the floor
        for (int i = 0; i <= numBlocksFloor; ++i)
            addObject(new WaterFloor(), i*blockWidth, getHeight() - blockHeight/2); //First Row
            addObject(new WaterFloor(), i*blockWidth, getHeight() - blockHeight/2 - 55); //Second Row
    public void topBlocks(int xStart, int yStart) //Blocks on the top of the world
        UnderwaterBlock rb = new UnderwaterBlock(); //Using underwater blocks
        int blockWidth = rb.getImage().getWidth(); //Width of blocks
        for(int a = 0; a < 20; a++) //20 blocks in a row
            addObject(new UnderwaterBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth), yStart - 60); //Row One - Full row
            addObject(new UnderwaterBlock(), xStart+((a-2)*blockWidth), yStart - 30); //Row Two - Full row - 3 blocks
            addObject(new UnderwaterBlock(), xStart+((a-4)*blockWidth), yStart); //Row Three - Full row - 6 blocks
            if(a % 4 == 0) //Every fourth block...
               addObject(new CoinBlock(), xStart+((a-6)*blockWidth), yStart + 30); //Add a coin block!
                addObject(new UnderwaterBlock(), xStart+((a-6)*blockWidth), yStart + 30); //Otherwise a regular block
    public void middleBlocks(int xStart, int yStart) //Blocks in the middle of the world
        UnderwaterBlock rb = new UnderwaterBlock();
        int blockWidth = rb.getImage().getWidth();
        for(int a = 0; a < 8; a++) //Add 8 blocks
            if(a % 4 == 0) //Coin Blocks for...
               addObject(new CoinBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth), yStart); //Top most row
               addObject(new CoinBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth) - 200, yStart + 150); //Middle row towards the left
               addObject(new CoinBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth) + 200, yStart + 300); //Last row towards the right
            else //Otherwise regular blocks in all rows
                addObject(new UnderwaterBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth), yStart);
                addObject(new UnderwaterBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth) - 200, yStart + 150);
                addObject(new UnderwaterBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth) + 200, yStart + 300);
    public void sideBlocks(int xStart, int yStart)
        UnderwaterBlock rb = new UnderwaterBlock();
        int blockWidth = rb.getImage().getWidth();
        for(int a = 0; a < 4; a++) //4 in a row
            if(a % 4 == 0) //Coin Blocks
               addObject(new CoinBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth), yStart);
               addObject(new CoinBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth) - 175, yStart + 100);
            else //Or regular blocks
                addObject(new UnderwaterBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth), yStart); //Top Row
                addObject(new UnderwaterBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth) - 175, yStart + 100); //Bottom Row
    public void addEnimies()
        int numberOfOnGounrd = 5; //5 Cheep Cheeps in one width
        int spacing = 2048 / numberOfOnGounrd; //Spaced out evenly across the width of the world
        int height = 576; //Height of the world
        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfOnGounrd; i++)
            addObject(new CheepCheep(), spacing / 2 + i * spacing, Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(576)); //Set one
            addObject(new CheepCheep(), spacing / 2 + i * spacing, Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(576)); //Set Two
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


Lives Class
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class Life here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Life extends Actor
    public void act() 
    public void setLook()
        GreenfootImage life = new GreenfootImage(getImage());

danpost danpost


Is SwimmingWorld your initial world (to start game play)?
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


No, thats game world
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
 * This is the game world where all actors will exist
 * @soumya.__.khanna (Soumya Khanna) 
 * @5.0 (May 28th, 2019)
public class GameWorld extends Worlds
    public GameWorld()
        //Initiating prepare, to add all actors
    public void prepare()
        //Castle for mario to go into once defeating all turtles
        addObject(new Castle(), getWidth() -120, getHeight() -240);
        //Chuncks of Blocks in the middle
        blockChunks(getWidth()/4 - 100, getHeight()/2 -65); //Left
        blockChunks(getWidth()/4 + 950, getHeight()/2 -65); //Right
        //Adding in the turtles
        //Top Blocks for Flying Koopas
        topBlocks(getWidth() - 2460 ,getHeight()- 500);
        topBlocks(getWidth() - 400 ,getHeight()- 500);
        //Main hero
        addObject(new Marioo(), getWidth()/2, getHeight() - 550);
        //Hearts for life
        //Adding in a scoreBorad in the middle of the world
        addObject(new Score(), getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2 + 150);
    public void blockChunks(int xStart, int yStart) //Blocks in the middle of the world
        RegularBlock rb = new RegularBlock(); //Using brick blocks
        int blockWidth = rb.getImage().getWidth(); //Width of blocks
        for(int a = 0; a < 2; a++) //Two blocks of brick
            addObject(new RegularBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth), yStart); //Half Brick blocks
            addObject(new RegularBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth) - 280, yStart + 120); //Bottom two brick blocks
            addObject(new CoinBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth + 60), yStart); //Half Coin blocks
        for(int a = 0; a < 3; a++) //Middle Three Blocks
            addObject(new RegularBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth) - 140, yStart + 60);
    public void addEnimies()
        int numberOfOnGounrd = 4; //4 Koopas in one width
        int spacing = 2048 / numberOfOnGounrd; //Spaced out evenly across the width of the world
        int numberOfFlying = 2; //2 Troopas in one width
        int skySpacing = 2048 / numberOfFlying; 
        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfFlying; i++) //Adding flying Troopas
            addObject(new Flying(), spacing / 2 + i * spacing, getHeight()- 250); //Bottom Row
            addObject(new Flying(), spacing / 2 + i * spacing, getHeight()- 550); //Top Row
        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfOnGounrd; i++)
            addObject(new OnGround(), spacing / 2 + i * spacing, getHeight() - 100); //Adding the koopas on ground
    public void topBlocks(int xStart, int yStart) //Top Line of Blocks
        RegularBlock rb = new RegularBlock(); //Regular Blocks
        int blockWidth = rb.getImage().getWidth(); //Width oF Blocks
        for(int a = 0; a < 40; a++) //A Lotta Blocks
            if(a % 4 == 0) //Every Four Blocks
               addObject(new CoinBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth), yStart); //Add coin blocks
            else //Otherwise
                addObject(new RegularBlock(), xStart+(a*blockWidth), yStart); //Regular Blocks
danpost danpost


Once the GameWorld world is left, can Mario ever return back to it?
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


No, since thats the first level
danpost danpost


soumya.__.khanna wrote...
No, since thats the first level
Okay, insert at line 12:
Hero.LifeLine = 5;
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


in the Hero class?
soumya.__.khanna soumya.__.khanna


I added it to both of the levels, the hearts are still not leaving
There are more replies on the next page.