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LewisEro wrote ...


Making an NPC randomly roam an area WITHOUT rotating the image

LewisEro LewisEro


so here i have my first NPC for the game. it is meant to roam a small area until the player enters a certain range, upon which it should track the player and interact in some way, but that is not the topic of this post. i realise that using rotation would be quite easy in this case, but ive tested it and it looks quite weird in my opinion.. heres the code:
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

public class NPC extends Actor
    PC player;
    public void act() 
        roam();//randomly patrol a defined area around this object
        trackPlayer();//track the player as soon as they enter a certain AOE, increase speed
    public NPC(PC player){
        this.player = player;
    public void roam(){
        if(getObjectsInRange(250, PC.class).isEmpty()){

    public void trackPlayer(){
the movement would go into the if condition within public void roam(). i have tried using random numbers in conjunction with the setlocation method, but it didnt work very well....
LewisEro LewisEro


of course turn would work if we account for the rotation by counter rotating the image accordingly, but i find that approach somewhat unelegant and cumbersome
LewisEro LewisEro


ive tried this in my roam method, expecting it to get a new random number on each frame and thus making for random movement, but it does not update the random and instead just flies north/west every time
    public void roam(){

        if(getObjectsInRange(250, PC.class).isEmpty()){
            setLocation(getX(), getY() -Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3) -6);
            setLocation(getX(), getY() +Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3) -6);
            setLocation(getX() -Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3) -6, getY());
            setLocation(getX() +Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3) -3, getY());
LewisEro LewisEro


Ah, i didnt put my random number range in brackets, therein was the problem.... Sorry!
LewisEro LewisEro


    public void roam(){

        if(getObjectsInRange(250, PC.class).isEmpty()){
            setLocation(getX(), getY() -Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3));
            setLocation(getX(), getY() +Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3));
            setLocation(getX() -Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3), getY());
            setLocation(getX() +Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3), getY());
to get something out of this thread I might add that like this, it does indeed do random movements on the spot, however it is very shakey. any pointers as to how to clean that up? perhaps a timer that tells it to only execute one movement for a second or so before switching might work?
danpost danpost


More realistic might be to have a field maintain the direction of movement, then you could have this:
private int rotation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(360);

public void roam()
    if (getObjectsInRange(250, PC.class).isEmpty())
        rotation  += 15-Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(31); //  (-15, 15) degree change in direction
LewisEro LewisEro


Yes, that looks way more natural! thanks a lot. how exactly prevents the image from rotating here? im assuming its line 10. now if there was a way to limit roaming down to an area around the initial spawn point.. ill try to figure it out!
danpost danpost


LewisEro wrote...
how exactly prevents the image from rotating here? im assuming its line 10
LewisEro LewisEro


LewisEro wrote...
Yes, that looks way more natural! thanks a lot. how exactly prevents the image from rotating here? im assuming its line 10. now if there was a way to limit roaming down to an area around the initial spawn point.. ill try to figure it out!
So i came up with this:
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class NPC here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class FloatingSkull extends Actor
    PC player;
    private int rotation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(360);
    private int speed = 1;
    private boolean aggro = false;
    private int[] roamLimit;
    public void act(){
        movementAI();//track the player as soon as they enter a certain AOE, increase speed
    public FloatingSkull(PC player){
        this.player = player;
    public FloatingSkull(){
        int[] roamLimit = new int[]{getX()+100, getX()-100, getY()+100, getY()-100};       
    public void movementAI(){ //roams until player enters certain AOE
        if(getObjectsInRange(150, PC.class).isEmpty() && aggro == false){
            rotation  += 15-Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(31); //  (-15, 15) degree change in direction
            if(getX() > roamLimit[0] || getX() < roamLimit[1] || getY() > roamLimit[2] || getY() < roamLimit[3]){
        if(!getObjectsInRange(50, PC.class).isEmpty()){
            turnTowards(player.getX(), player.getY());         
        if(!getObjectsInRange(150, PC.class).isEmpty()){
            aggro = true;
yes yes i know its not AI haha. so the last if condition using the array is meant to confine the skull's movement by inverting his direction (by doing speed*(-1)). however upon running this gives me an error:"java.lang.NullPointerException at FloatingSkull.movementAI( at FloatingSkull.act(" any ideas?
danpost danpost


Line 23 is executed during the actor's creation -- before it can possibly be placed into a world. The actor has no coordinate values that getX and getY can return at that time.
LewisEro LewisEro


ah, okay.
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class NPC here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class FloatingSkull extends Actor
    PC player;
    private int rotation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(360);
    private int speed = 1;
    private boolean aggro = false;
    private int[] roamLimit;
    private int roamLimitRange = 50;
    public void act(){
        movementAI();//track the player as soon as they enter a certain AOE, increase speed
    public FloatingSkull(PC player){
        this.player = player;
    public FloatingSkull(){
        //int[] roamLimit = new int[]{getX()+roamLimitRange, getX()-roamLimitRange, getY()+roamLimitRange, getY()-roamLimitRange};       
    public void movementAI(){
        int[] roamLimit = new int[]{getX()+roamLimitRange, getX()-roamLimitRange, getY()+roamLimitRange, getY()-roamLimitRange};       
            if(getObjectsInRange(150, PC.class).isEmpty() && aggro == false){
                rotation  += 15-Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(31); //  (-15, 15) degree change in direction
                if(getX() < roamLimit[0] || getX() > roamLimit[1] || getY() < roamLimit[2] || getY() > roamLimit[3]){
            if(!getObjectsInRange(50, PC.class).isEmpty()){
                turnTowards(player.getX(), player.getY());         
            if(!getObjectsInRange(150, PC.class).isEmpty()){
                aggro = true;
like this it does run, however the desired effect (that being confining the enemy into a "box" to roam within until the player comes close) is not achieved.
danpost danpost


Now, the problem is that the array is being created anew each and every act cycle. Use the addedToWorld method to set the values of roamLimit, but do not declare a new array in doing so.
LewisEro LewisEro


Sorry, I'm not entirely sure how/where to implement the addedToWorld() method in this case, but I did try this approach to try and circumvent multiple new declarations:

import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class NPC here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class FloatingSkull extends Actor
    PC player;
    private int rotation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(360);
    private int speed = 1;
    private boolean aggro = false;
    private int[] roamLimit;
    private int roamLimitRange = 50;
    private boolean firstBool = false;
    public void act(){
        movementAI();//track the player as soon as they enter a certain AOE, increase speed
    public FloatingSkull(PC player){
        this.player = player;
    public void first(){    
            roamLimit[0] = getX()+roamLimitRange;
            roamLimit[1] = getX()-roamLimitRange;
            roamLimit[2] = getY()+roamLimitRange;
            roamLimit[3] = getY()-roamLimitRange; 
        firstBool = true;
    public void movementAI(){
        //int[] roamLimit = new int[]{getX()+roamLimitRange, getX()-roamLimitRange, getY()+roamLimitRange, getY()-roamLimitRange};       
            if(getObjectsInRange(200, PC.class).isEmpty() && aggro == false){
                rotation  += 15-Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(31); //  (-15, 15) degree change in direction
                if(getX() < roamLimit[0] || getX() > roamLimit[1] || getY() < roamLimit[2] || getY() > roamLimit[3]){
            if(!getObjectsInRange(150, PC.class).isEmpty()){
                turnTowards(player.getX(), player.getY());         
            if(!getObjectsInRange(200, PC.class).isEmpty()){
                aggro = true;

unfortunately, it leaves me with another nullpoint exception, which i dont quite understand..
danpost danpost


Copy/paste complete error message here please.
LewisEro LewisEro


ah, the issue there i believe was that i did not properly declare my array globally (line 15)
import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class NPC here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class FloatingSkull extends Actor
    PC player;
    private int rotation = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(360);
    private int speed = 1;
    private boolean aggro = false;
    private int[] roamLimit = new int[4];
    private int roamLimitRange = 50;
    private boolean firstBool = false;
    public void act(){
        movementAI();//track the player as soon as they enter a certain AOE, increase speed
    public FloatingSkull(PC player){
        this.player = player;
    public void first(){    
            roamLimit[0] = getX()+roamLimitRange;
            roamLimit[1] = getX()-roamLimitRange;
            roamLimit[2] = getY()+roamLimitRange;
            roamLimit[3] = getY()-roamLimitRange; 
        firstBool = true;
    public void movementAI(){
        //int[] roamLimit = new int[]{getX()+roamLimitRange, getX()-roamLimitRange, getY()+roamLimitRange, getY()-roamLimitRange};       
            if(getObjectsInRange(200, PC.class).isEmpty() && aggro == false){
                rotation  += 15-Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(31); //  (-15, 15) degree change in direction
                if(getX() < roamLimit[0] || getX() > roamLimit[1] || getY() < roamLimit[2] || getY() > roamLimit[3]){
            if(!getObjectsInRange(150, PC.class).isEmpty()){
                turnTowards(player.getX(), player.getY());         
            if(!getObjectsInRange(200, PC.class).isEmpty()){
                aggro = true;
this runs without the error, but does not achieve the effect. if you're still interested in the error it is this: java.lang.NullPointerException at FloatingSkull.first( at FloatingSkull.act( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.actActor( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runOneLoop( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runContent( at
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