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SushiLlama wrote ...


HealthGUI stops program immediately after world is constructed

SushiLlama SushiLlama


I got a game where to players try to kill eachother with bombs. I decided to implement a Health Indicator called HealthGUI. Both players got their own one which get updated every frame to show the correct amount nof hearts/life left. Heres the HealthGUI class: public class HealthGUI extends Actor { private int life = 3; GreenfootImage playerTwoThreeHeart = new GreenfootImage("PlayerTwoThreeHeart.png"); GreenfootImage playerTwoTwoHeart = new GreenfootImage("PlayerTwoTwoHeart.png"); GreenfootImage playerTwoOneHeart = new GreenfootImage("PlayerTwoOneHeart.png"); public int getLife() { return; } public void setLife(int life) { = life; } public void act(){ switch(3) { case 3: setImage(playerTwoThreeHeart); case 2: setImage(playerTwoTwoHeart); case 1: setImage(playerTwoOneHeart); default: System.out.println("Something went wrong..."); Greenfoot.stop(); } /DEBUG System.out.println(life); } While debugging i found out that somehow, even though switch(3) is 3 obviously, it returns a default case as if 3 wasnt listed as a case... So i get: Something went wrong... 3 Something went wrong... 3 In my console (Two times due to two HealthGUIs) Heres the relevant World Code: public void prepare() { HealthGUI healthGUIPlayerOne = new HealthGUI(); HealthGUI healthGUIPlayerTwo = new HealthGUI(); addObject(healthGUIPlayerOne, 100, 20); addObject(healthGUIPlayerTwo, 700, 20); Player playerOne = new Player("w", "a", "s", "d", "c", "v", PlayerTeam.ONE, healthGUIPlayerOne); addObject(playerOne, 100, 300); Player playerTwo = new Player("up", "left", "down", "right", "b", "n", PlayerTeam.TWO, healthGUIPlayerTwo); addObject(playerTwo, 800, 300); } And finally the if statement that triggers decrementation of HealthGuis life attribute: if(getOneIntersectingObject(Player.class) != summoner && getOneIntersectingObject(Player.class) != null) { System.out.println("I should kill you now"); Player opponent = (Player)getOneIntersectingObject(Player.class); summoner.activateBomb(playerBomb); isBombInWorld = false; HealthGUI opponentHealthGUI = opponent.getHealthGUI(); opponentHealthGUI.setLife(opponentHealthGUI.getLife()-1); //bombWorld.removeObject(opponent); } I tried to change my code for 3 hours straight now and just cant get it to work. I had life in Player before which always gave me NullPointerExceptions when starting the game. Please help me if you have any suggestions!!! Really frustrated by this one! Thank you!
danpost danpost


You need to break; out of each case.
SushiLlama SushiLlama


Thats everything? Does the default case need it too? Thank you!!!
danpost danpost


SushiLlama wrote...
Thats everything? Does the default case need it too? Thank you!!!
As long as the default case is listed last -- no. There is no more code in the switch after the last case, so it is not required for the last one listed.
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