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Greenfoot back
MisterUnknown wrote ...


Cannot find symbol- variable Player

MisterUnknown MisterUnknown


 shootKey = this.Player.playerNum == 0 ? "e": "o";
My code has problems with Player and always gives me the same errors three times in the pipe-class, which I have declared inside the player-class. I hope someone finds a way to fix the errors Thanks in advance :)
public class Pipe extends Actor 
    String shootKey;
    int shotCoolDown = 0;
    public Pipe()
        shootKey = this.Player.playerNum == 0 ? "e": "o";
       GreenfootImage img = new GreenfootImage("Rohr"+(this.Player.playerNum+1)+".PNG");
      img.scale(25, 25);

public void act()
   if (this.Player.getWorld() == null) { getWorld().removeObject(this); return; }
public void shootStuff()
   if (shotCoolDown > 0) shotCoolDown--;
  else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown(shootKey))
        getWorld().addObject(new Bullet(getRotation()), getX(), getY());
      shotCoolDown = 20;
danpost danpost


MisterUnknown wrote...
My code has problems with Player and always gives me the same errors three times in the pipe-class, which I have declared inside the player-class.
Sorry -- I got it backward. Change all this.Player to Player.this.
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