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Andrew0739 wrote ...


Need a solution to inefficient code

Andrew0739 Andrew0739


I want to use this code to check if the player is touching an object. The problem is that i am going to have so many objects that creating a new method like this for ever object would be inefficient. I was thinking maybe i could use getObjectsInRange in place of the fence.class but i'm not sure how to implement this. If this doesn't work i am open to any to any suggestions. Thanks
public boolean bottomTouching()
        Actor fenceCheck = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, getImage().getHeight()/2-20, fence.class);
        return fenceCheck != null;
danpost danpost


You could simply use Actor.class:
public boolean bottomTouching()
    return getOneObjectAtOffset(0, getImage(),getHeight()/2-20, Actor.class) != null;
Andrew0739 Andrew0739


ok really? thanks!
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