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Greenfoot back
xandreas_1 wrote ...


get backgroound of an Actor

xandreas_1 xandreas_1


In Line 14 "new Scroller(this,image)" is underlines with the error : constructor Scroller in class Scroller cannot be applied to given type; requires: no arguements found: MyWorld, greenfoot.GreenfootImage reason: actual and formal arguement lists differ in length and in line 27 is still the same error, even I added ,0
danpost danpost


Sounds like you have the wrong Scroller class or you modified it. Please show your Scroller class codes for review.
xandreas_1 xandreas_1


I just have the myWorld Class. I think I need another class, dont I?
danpost danpost


xandreas_1 wrote...
I just have the myWorld Class. I think I need another class, dont I?
You need the Scroller class. Get it here.
danpost danpost


I fixed the link above. It took you to the correct page; but, you may have gone to the wrong post for the code. After seeing this post, go to the link and copy/paste the code it takes you to.
xandreas_1 xandreas_1


where do I have to put in the Scroler Code
danpost danpost


xandreas_1 wrote...
where do I have to put in the Scroler Code
In the main menu bar, select Edit>New class.... ; enter a couple miscellaneous characters for the name and accept it. Then, open to edit the new class and copy/paste the Scroller class code in it replacing everything that was in it.
xandreas_1 xandreas_1


import greenfoot.*;

public class Scroller
    private World world; // view window world
    private GreenfootImage scrollImage; // scrolling image
    private boolean limited; // flag to indicate whether scrolling is limited or not
    private int scrolledX, scrolledY; // current scrolled distances
    private int wide, high; // if limited, dimensions of scrolling area else of image to wrap

    public Scroller(World viewWorld, GreenfootImage image)
        world = viewWorld;
        scrollImage = image;
        if (image != null)
            wide = image.getWidth();
            high = image.getHeight();
        [u]scroll[/u](0, 0); // sets initial background image

scroll is still underlined and it says that it doesnt know a method scroll(int/int)
xandreas_1 xandreas_1



    import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class MyWorld here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class MyWorld extends World
public static final int WIDE = 1500;
public static final int HIGH = 750;
Scroller scroller;
    public MyWorld()
        super(WIDE, HIGH, 1, false) ;
      GreenfootImage image = new    GreenfootImage("greenLandscapewithbrown1.0.jpg");
      scroller = new Scroller(this,image);
    public void act()
    private void scroll()
     int rate = 2;
     int dsx = 0;
     if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("W")) dsx ++;
     if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("S")) dsx --;
     scroller[u].scroll[/u](dsx*rate, 0);
here it showas the same error
danpost danpost


Where is the rest of your Scroller class? It should be 172 lines long!!! Go back to the link and copy the entire class to replace what you have.
xandreas_1 xandreas_1


ah thx a lot :D I didnt see the end of the code... my bad So now my world moves, but all of my Actors as well... How can I fixe it
danpost danpost


xandreas_1 wrote...
ah thx a lot :D I didnt see the end of the code... my bad So now my world moves, but all of my Actors as well... How can I fixe it
You could comment out lines 146 through 150 in the Scroller class.
xandreas_1 xandreas_1


thx a lot :D
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