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Greenfoot back
jokhooo wrote ...


how make enemy get position of player

jokhooo jokhooo


I will make a game platform, how to make opponents can detect the position of player who approached him (opponent) i use the following method for player
      public int getnilaiX() {
        return getX();
    public int getnilaiY() {
        return getY();
and, this method for enemy
    public void cekPlayer()
        int x = ((player) getWorld().getObjects(player.class).get(0)).getnilaiX();
        int y = ((player) getWorld().getObjects(player.class).get(0)).getnilaiY();
        if (y <getY()+2 && y > getY()-2 && jumping == false)
But, the enemy cant get nearest position of player for illustration like this Thankyouu
danpost danpost


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