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Greenfoot back
altercode wrote ...



altercode altercode


Does Greenfoot have the ability to implement Dependency's? Aggregation, Composition ect? I was scoping this tutorial and was hoping to find some examples of it that I could use in Greenfoot in the scenarios section. Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
danpost danpost


altercode wrote...
Does Greenfoot have the ability to implement Dependency's? Aggregation, Composition ect?
The programming language of greenfoot is Java, the same language exampled in the video. (so -- yes).
davmac davmac


Does Greenfoot have the ability to implement Dependency's?
Technically, dependencies are not something that you implement; they are an aspect of a design. Nearly every Greenfoot scenario will incorporate some kind of object relationship. For instance, the world contains (aggregates) actors.
altercode altercode


For instance, the world contains (aggregates) actors. Been poking around - new to java and greenfoot. This program is fantastic at showing some of the simple theory of OO. Using it to help me "teach assist' some of my theory classes - breaking down parts of my topic into very small, simple examples for students to play with. It's not a "programming language class", more of a theory of - class that complements their other classes. Thanks for the poke in the right direction.
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