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2woodsway wrote ...


Please help, I am having problems with a question and no one on the java post is willing to help

2woodsway 2woodsway


Declare an array named a of   ten  elements of type int and initialize the elements (starting with the first) to the values 10 , 20 , ..., 100 respectively. I tried: array a = {10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}; which returned incorrect
bourne bourne


try int a = {10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100};
2woodsway 2woodsway


Thanks so much, your help is so appreciated!You're the best!!
bourne bourne


No problem. You use the "" when you don't have the values or they are lengthy at the initialization of the array. So, int a = new int; creates a new array of 10 elements as type int. Which later can be filled with values.
2woodsway 2woodsway


Is there a link where I can read more of this? In studying Java, is it more of memorization or is there a foundation of formulas?
kiarocks kiarocks


Here, this should help: Link!
AwesomeNameGuy AwesomeNameGuy


The java tutorials are excellent.
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