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Greenfoot back
MathManiac wrote ...


Fresh Programming

MathManiac MathManiac


You know the phrase "Two heads are better than one"? What about three heads? Five, maybe? Twenty's much better! That's how much my Greenfoot Group might have if you join Fresh Programming! Tell me either by this discussion or my scenarios! Come join Fresh Programming Today! There's even a promise! :D I'll be fan to anyone who joins! Ain't that a terrible great idea? Status: Still recruiting users! Poeple joined: (Click on one to view Profile.)
architsch architsch


May I join?
MathManiac MathManiac


Sure! I'll start on making a Group list in my profile!
SirFoxie SirFoxie


I'll join! Is my MouseFollower demo something you wanna add to the Fresh Programming scenarios? I think the code could be pretty helpful in other people's games, at least. You don't have to be a fan of me to get me to join, but you can if you wanna. :P
MathManiac MathManiac


I'm still keeping my promise! You're in! Still waiting for more requests!
Builderboy2005 Builderboy2005


So Fresh Programming is merely a collection of scenarios by members? Or is it a group of members who work together to create games? Or give support? What is it exactly?
architsch architsch


A group of people who like programming..
webmessia webmessia


Doesn't that include pretty much everyone on the gallery?
Andres Andres


Am interested ooo bold
Andres Andres


MathManiac MathManiac


@BuilderBoy2005 it's both a group of poeple who make seperate Greenfoot scenarios AND a group of people who make the same scenario. @Andres look at the blue text just below the comment box. The first three words should say something like "quote", "code", "image". If you click on one, it will usually create two boxes. You could add text in between them and they will look different when posted. However, the code one works just for Java code. It will open up a box to add the code.
JL235 JL235


MathManiac wrote...
@Andres look at the blue text just below the comment box. The first three words should say something like "quote", "code", "image". If you click on one, it will usually create two boxes. You could add text in between them and they will look different when posted. However, the code one works just for Java code. It will open up a box to add the code.
I think he was trying to see if we supported marquee style scrolling text, which we don't. There are a few extras though like YAY! this one for success, !AAARGH!! one for rants and another for edits. All supported tags are listed on the info page about BB codes, which can be found via the 'click here' link underneath the reply box.
architsch architsch


I think what we need is collaboration. Developing games alone is indeed a lonely experience. We can share ideas and turn them into a huge project. Let's plan something, divide it up by parts, and let each of us work on each part. (Example) Person A, B, and C decided to make a Greenfoot game together. So they divided the project by 3 parts: Person A decided to work on World class. He designed how to start, end, and score the game. Person B decide to work on Actor classes and how they move and interact each other. Person C decided to work on graphics and sound resources. Since 3 people worked together, they could finish the project in a short period of time.
Lildarkone Lildarkone


Is there any room left in the group?
MathManiac MathManiac


Of course there is! Want to join?
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