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Greenfoot back
Metrack wrote ...


Change language?

Metrack Metrack


I heard that greenfoot could be in spanish, and i saw the library on /home/greenfoot/lib (as can be saw, i use ubuntu) but i wasn't be able to find the place to do the translation, can anyone help me :)? thanks (sorry my poor english, i'm from spain)
davmac davmac


Hi, Just open the file "greenfoot.defs" (/usr/share/greenfoot/greenfoot.defs) with a text editor, put a "#" in front of the line which says bluej.language=english and remove the "#" at the start of the line which says "#bluej.language=spanish". (Or: edit the ~/greenfoot/ file, and insert a line which says "bluej.language=spanish").
Metrack Metrack


thanks dav
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