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Greenfoot back
Tezuka wrote ...


Move the snake

danpost danpost


Did you move the 'head' of the snake before the 'for' loop?
Tezuka Tezuka


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class Playground here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Playground extends World
    Snake[] snakeBody;
    String segment;
    int direction;
    private int speed;
    private int speedX;
    private int speedY;
    boolean eaten;
     * Constructor for objects of class Playground.
    public Playground()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
        super(600, 400, 1); 
        direction = 0;
        eaten = false;
        speed = 2;
        speedX = speed;
        speedY = 0;

        snakeBody = new Snake[3]; // initialization of the Snake
        for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
            snakeBody[i] = new Snake();
            addObject(snakeBody[i], 90+(snakeBody.length-i)*15, 30); // adding snake actor to the world


    public void checkKey()
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right")) // checks if right key is pressed
            if(direction==1 || direction==3)
            { direction = 0;
                speedX = speed;
                speedY = 0;
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down")) // checks if down key is pressed
            if(direction==0 || direction==2)
            {direction = 1;
                speedX = 0;
                speedY = speed;
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left")) // checks if left key is pressed
            if(direction==1 || direction==3)
            {direction = 2;
                speedX = -speed;
                speedY = 0;
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up")) // checks if up key is pressed
            if(direction==0 || direction==2)
            { direction = 3;
                speedX = 0;
                speedY = -speed;

    public void moveIt()
        int previousLocationX = snakeBody[0].getX();
        int previousLocationY = snakeBody[0].getY();

        snakeBody[0].setLocation(snakeBody[0].getX()+speedX, snakeBody[0].getY()+speedY);
        if(snakeBody[0].getX()!=previousLocationX || snakeBody[0].getY()!=previousLocationY)
            for(int i=1; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
               int holdX = snakeBody[i].getX();
               int holdY = snakeBody[i].getY();
               snakeBody[i].setLocation(previousLocationX, previousLocationY);
               previousLocationX = holdX; 
               previousLocationY = holdY; 

     * This method will update the length of the Snake.
    private void growSnake(int x, int y)
        Snake s = new Snake();
        Snake oldSnake[] = new Snake[snakeBody.length];
        for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
            oldSnake[i] = snakeBody[i];
        snakeBody = new Snake[snakeBody.length+1];
        for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length-1; i++)
            snakeBody[i] = oldSnake[i];
        snakeBody[snakeBody.length-1] = s;       
        addObject(snakeBody[snakeBody.length-1], x, y); // adds new snake body actor

    public void act()
the head is moving and the segment is moving but when i pressed act the segment jumps straigth to the heads position
danpost danpost


Lets us simplify the code (make it a bit easier to understand) for the 'moveIt' method (as far as moving the 'head' segment:
private void moveIt()
    // save the location of the 'head' segment (segment in front)
    // these are the 'goto' values for the next segment
    int prevX = snakeBody[0].getX();
    int prevY = snakeBody[0].getY();
    // get the direction of movement for the 'head' along horizontal and vertical (0, 1, or -1)
    int dx = (1 - direction) * ((direction + 1)%2);
    int dy = (2 - direction) * (direction%2);
    // get tentative new coordinates for the 'head'
    int newX = prevX + speed * dx;
    int newY = prevY + speed * dy;
    // if  'head' cannot move, exit method
    if (newX < 0 || newX > getWidth() - 1) return;
    if (newY < 0 || newY > getHeight() - 1) return;
    // move head
    snakeBody[0].setLocation(newX, newY);
    // move body segments of snake
    for (int i = 1; i < snakeBody.length(); i++)
        // hold segments location
        int holdX = snakeBody[i].getX();
        int holdY = snakeBody[i].getY();
        // move segment
        snakeBody[i].setLocation(prevX, prevY);
        // set 'goto' values for next segment
        prevX = holdX;
        prevY = holdY;
Tezuka Tezuka


I copied ur code still the same
danpost danpost


Change your value for 'speed' to something like '20' and see what happens.
Tezuka Tezuka


It worked with the last method if I only change it to 20 , dont know why though
Tezuka Tezuka


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class Playground here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Playground extends World
    Snake[] snakeBody;
    String segment;
    Food food;
    Counter score;
    private int direction;
    private int speed;
    private int speedX;
    private int speedY;
    private boolean eaten;
     * Constructor for objects of class Playground.
    public Playground()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
        super(600, 400, 1); 
        direction = 0;
        eaten = false;
        speed = 20;
        speedX = speed;
        speedY = 0;

        snakeBody = new Snake[3]; // initialization of the Snake
        for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
            snakeBody[i] = new Snake();
            addObject(snakeBody[i], 90+(snakeBody.length-i)*15, 30); // adding snake actor to the world

        score = new Counter("Score : "); // initialization of the score
        addObject(score, 19*15, 8); // adding score actor to the world

    public void checkKey()
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right")) // checks if right key is pressed
            if(direction==1 || direction==3)
            { direction = 0;
                speedX = speed;
                speedY = 0;
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down")) // checks if down key is pressed
            if(direction==0 || direction==2)
            {direction = 1;
                speedX = 0;
                speedY = speed;
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left")) // checks if left key is pressed
            if(direction==1 || direction==3)
            {direction = 2;
                speedX = -speed;
                speedY = 0;
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up")) // checks if up key is pressed
            if(direction==0 || direction==2)
            { direction = 3;
                speedX = 0;
                speedY = -speed;

    /** public void moveIt()
    // save the location of the 'head' segment (segment in front)
    // these are the 'goto' values for the next segment 
    int prevX = snakeBody[0].getX();  
    int prevY = snakeBody[0].getY();  
    // get the direction of movement for the 'head' along horizontal and vertical (0, 1, or -1) 
    int dx = (1 - direction) * ((direction + 1)%2); 
    int dy = (2 - direction) * (direction%2);  
    // get tentative new coordinates for the 'head'    
    int newX = prevX + speed * dx;
    int newY = prevY + speed * dy;
    // if  'head' cannot move, exit method  
    if (newX < 0 || newX > getWidth() - 1) return;
    if (newY < 0 || newY > getHeight() - 1) return;
    // move head  
    snakeBody[0].setLocation(newX, newY);  
    // move body segments of snake 
    for (int i = 1; i < snakeBody.length; i++) 
    int holdX = snakeBody[i].getX(); 
    int holdY = snakeBody[i].getY();  
    // move segment
    snakeBody[i].setLocation(prevX, prevY);
    // set 'goto' values for next segment  
    prevX = holdX;  
    prevY = holdY;  

    public void moveIt()
        // save the location of the 'head' segment (segment in front)
        // these are the 'goto' values for the next segment
        int previousLocationX = snakeBody[0].getX();
        int previousLocationY = snakeBody[0].getY();
        snakeBody[0].setLocation(snakeBody[0].getX()+speedX, snakeBody[0].getY()+speedY);

        // move body segments of snake 
        if(snakeBody[0].getX()!=previousLocationX || snakeBody[0].getY()!=previousLocationY)
        { for(int i=1; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
            {   int holdX = snakeBody[i].getX();
                int holdY = snakeBody[i].getY();
                snakeBody[i].setLocation(previousLocationX, previousLocationY); 
                // set 'goto' values for next segment
                previousLocationX = holdX;
                previousLocationY = holdY; 

          if(snakeBody[0].getX()==food.getX() && snakeBody[0].getY()==food.getY()) // Checks if the snake eats food
                growSnake(previousLocationX, previousLocationY);

     * This method will update the length of the Snake.
    private void growSnake(int x, int y)
        Snake s = new Snake();
        Snake oldSnake[] = new Snake[snakeBody.length];
        for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
            oldSnake[i] = snakeBody[i];
        snakeBody = new Snake[snakeBody.length+1];
        for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length-1; i++)
            snakeBody[i] = oldSnake[i];
        snakeBody[snakeBody.length-1] = s;       
        addObject(snakeBody[snakeBody.length-1], x, y); // adds new snake body actor

    public void updateFoodLocation()
        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;
        boolean overlap = true;
        eaten = false;

            x = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWidth());
            y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getHeight());

            for( int i = 0; i < snakeBody.length; i++)
                // Condition to check food will not touch the snake
                if(x!=snakeBody[i].getX() || y!= snakeBody[i].getY())
                    overlap = false;

    public void act()

I tried to add food but get a null exeption on moveIt method in act
Tezuka Tezuka


nvm i figured it out thx for help anyway
Tezuka Tezuka


Why doesnt my snake it the food? help pls
danpost danpost


Where is the code that detect the 'head' of the snake intersecting the food object?
Tezuka Tezuka


    public void moveIt()
        // save the location of the 'head' segment (segment in front)
        // these are the 'goto' values for the next segment
        int previousLocationX = snakeBody[0].getX();
        int previousLocationY = snakeBody[0].getY();
        snakeBody[0].setLocation(snakeBody[0].getX()+speedX, snakeBody[0].getY()+speedY);

        // move body segments of snake 
        if(snakeBody[0].getX()!=previousLocationX || snakeBody[0].getY()!=previousLocationY)
            for(int i=1; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
            {   int holdX = snakeBody[i].getX();
                int holdY = snakeBody[i].getY();
                snakeBody[i].setLocation(previousLocationX, previousLocationY); 
                // set 'goto' values for next segment
                previousLocationX = holdX;
                previousLocationY = holdY; 

            if(snakeBody[0].getX()==food.getX() && snakeBody[0].getY()==food.getY()) // Checks if the snake eats food
                growSnake(previousLocationX, previousLocationY);

            for(int i=1; i<snakeBody.length; i++) // Checks if the snake eats itself
                if(snakeBody[0].getX()== snakeBody[i].getX() && snakeBody[0].getY()== snakeBody[i].getY())
Soryy here it is
danpost danpost


Where is your 'updateFoodLocation' method? Also, lines 28 through 34 above (in the 'moveIt' method) show you checking the 'head' location with each 'body' location. Easier would be (since any food would already be gone):
// replace all code starting at line 28 with
        if (getObjectsAt(snakeBody[0].getX(), snakeBody[0].getY(), null).size() == 1) return;
The 'if' statement must count the 'head' as one object found there.
danpost danpost


NVM, I see it above.
Tezuka Tezuka


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import java.awt.Color;
 * Write a description of class Playground here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Playground extends World
    Snake[] snakeBody;
    String segment;
    Food food;
    Counter score;
    private int direction;
    private int speed;
    private int speedX;
    private int speedY;
    private boolean eaten;
     * Constructor for objects of class Playground.
    public Playground()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
        super(600, 400, 1); 
        direction = 0;
        eaten = false;
        speed = 20;
        speedX = speed;
        speedY = 0;

        snakeBody = new Snake[3]; // initialization of the Snake
        for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
          snakeBody[i] = new Snake();
          addObject(snakeBody[i], 90+(snakeBody.length-i)*15, 30); // adding snake actor to the world

        score = new Counter("Score : "); // initialization of the score
        addObject(score, 19*15, 8); // adding score actor to the world

        food = new Food(); // initialization of the food
        addObject(food, 100, 100); // adding food actor to the world

    public void checkKey()
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right")) // checks if right key is pressed
            if(direction==1 || direction==3)
            { direction = 0;
                speedX = speed;
                speedY = 0;
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down")) // checks if down key is pressed
            if(direction==0 || direction==2)
            {direction = 1;
                speedX = 0;
                speedY = speed;
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left")) // checks if left key is pressed
            if(direction==1 || direction==3)
            {direction = 2;
                speedX = -speed;
                speedY = 0;
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up")) // checks if up key is pressed
            if(direction==0 || direction==2)
            { direction = 3;
                speedX = 0;
                speedY = -speed;

    /** public void moveIt()
    // save the location of the 'head' segment (segment in front)
    // these are the 'goto' values for the next segment 
    int prevX = snakeBody[0].getX();  
    int prevY = snakeBody[0].getY();  
    // get the direction of movement for the 'head' along horizontal and vertical (0, 1, or -1) 
    int dx = (1 - direction) * ((direction + 1)%2); 
    int dy = (2 - direction) * (direction%2);  
    // get tentative new coordinates for the 'head'    
    int newX = prevX + speed * dx;
    int newY = prevY + speed * dy;
    // if  'head' cannot move, exit method  
    if (newX < 0 || newX > getWidth() - 1) return;
    if (newY < 0 || newY > getHeight() - 1) return;
    // move head  
    snakeBody[0].setLocation(newX, newY);  
    // move body segments of snake 
    for (int i = 1; i < snakeBody.length; i++) 
    int holdX = snakeBody[i].getX(); 
    int holdY = snakeBody[i].getY();  
    // move segment
    snakeBody[i].setLocation(prevX, prevY);
    // set 'goto' values for next segment  
    prevX = holdX;  
    prevY = holdY;  

    public void moveIt()
        // save the location of the 'head' segment (segment in front)
        // these are the 'goto' values for the next segment
        int previousLocationX = snakeBody[0].getX();
        int previousLocationY = snakeBody[0].getY();
        snakeBody[0].setLocation(snakeBody[0].getX()+speedX, snakeBody[0].getY()+speedY);

        // move body segments of snake 
        if(snakeBody[0].getX()!=previousLocationX || snakeBody[0].getY()!=previousLocationY)
            for(int i=1; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
            {   int holdX = snakeBody[i].getX();
                int holdY = snakeBody[i].getY();
                snakeBody[i].setLocation(previousLocationX, previousLocationY); 
                // set 'goto' values for next segment
                previousLocationX = holdX;
                previousLocationY = holdY; 

            if(snakeBody[0].getX()==food.getX() && snakeBody[0].getY()==food.getY()) // Checks if the snake eats food
                growSnake(previousLocationX, previousLocationY);
                updateFoodLocation();// updates the location of the food

            if( getObjectsAt(snakeBody[0].getX(),snakeBody[0].getY(), null).size() == 1) return;

     * This method will update the length of the Snake.
    private void growSnake(int x, int y)
        Snake s = new Snake();
        Snake oldSnake[] = new Snake[snakeBody.length];
        for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length; i++)
            oldSnake[i] = snakeBody[i];
        snakeBody = new Snake[snakeBody.length+1];
        for(int i=0; i<snakeBody.length-1; i++)
            snakeBody[i] = oldSnake[i];
        snakeBody[snakeBody.length-1] = s;       
        addObject(snakeBody[snakeBody.length-1], x, y); // adds new snake body actor

    public void updateFoodLocation()
        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;
        boolean overlap = true;
        eaten = false;

            x = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWidth()/15);
            y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getHeight()/15);

            for( int i = 0; i < snakeBody.length; i++)
                // Condition to check food will not touch the snake
                if(x!=snakeBody[i].getX() || y!= snakeBody[i].getY())
                    overlap = false;
        food.setLocation(x*15, y*15);

    public void act()
It doesnt eats the food
danpost danpost


Your snake is moving more than one pixel per frame and for the intersection of 'head' and 'food', the code is only checking the one pixel that is at the coordinates of where the 'head' is.
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