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Pieter wrote ...


Greenfoot World coordinates

Pieter Pieter


Hi all, I noticed that if I put an Actor in my own World at X position = 0, the left part of my Actor's image is chopped off. Rather, I have to specify X = 75 to align my image to the World's image left side border. Is this confirmed behavior? I find this very confusing, in any case? FYI: Just a code snippet of my World's constructor: super(1024,800,1); addObject(new myActor(),0,400);
Pieter Pieter


OK, I found the solution (and it is explained in the book...) Positions specify the MIDDLE of the Actor's image, not the upper left corner...
DonaldDuck DonaldDuck


If your world object knew the actors image ( GreenfootImage myActorImage = new GreenfootImage("filename of actors image"); ) you could say addObject(new myActor(), 0+(myActorImage.getWidth()/2), 0+(myActorImage.getHeight()/2)); to make the actor be added in the top left corner, but this gets even more confusing. Just remember that the objects x,y coordinates are the center point of the image.
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