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Scenarios tagged: support-class

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play Progress bar/Health bar class
plays 23092 / votes 25

Progress bar/Health bar class

by danpost, 2012/2/5

Re-usable Bar class for a health bar, progress meter, or other quantitative measurement

play Light Beam Class Demo
plays 5462 / votes 7

Light Beam Class Demo

by danpost, 2012/12/26

An actor class that creates a beam of light within darkness. Follows a light source object.

play Menu Demo
plays 14109 / votes 8

Menu Demo

by danpost, 2012/6/18

A dual class menu and button demo. A Menu class with a Button class that creates both Button and Text objects.

play myFirstGame
plays 1944 / votes 0


by PedroJF, 2018/6/5