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Chip's Challenge

Chip is on a mission to jump through each level's portal. Get to the portal by finding keys to unlock doors which lead to stashes of computer chips. Plug all the chips into the motherboard to make your way to the portal.

COmment with any advice or suggestions for how to make the gae play smoother. I am going to make more levels once I get the bugs fixed.

2813 views / 21 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game keys puzzle, chip, challenge, chip's, maze,

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there is a glitch on the first level after you get the green key and head to the green door, if you hit the wall right before the door chip is teleported out of the level.


You can get out of the arena and get the keys in the key count display on the right.

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