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EpicAlbino presents ...


Dwarfs and Dragons

Instructions: You are a Dwarf. You want two things, Gold and Beer. Beer gives you 5 points and adds a new beer each time you drink one. Gold is 10 points but dragons hate it when people take their gold, so one more dragon comes when you take a gold. Once you reach 100 points you are rich and full of beer so you win. Good luck!

Controls: up=forward down=backward left= turn-left right= turn-right(I know that they are weird controls but the program i’m using to make my games doesn’t give me good controls. I will find a way to make better controls on future games).

All code, images, and audio; made by Neil.

3096 views / 14 in the last 7 days

Tags: game awesome fun new dragon dwarf

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There is an updated version on my website with better controls my website is
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jul 09 14:00:15 UTC 2012 You can now move with the arrow keys in the right manner.

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