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This piano uses your keyboard to work. Each white key is a key from the top row of your keyboard: starting from "1", and ending at "=". Each black key is a key from the second row. It is the keyboard key below the previous white key. Use the space bar to change the piano one octave higher, or revert it one octave lower. When toggling between octaves, please wait ten seconds, because the command takes time. Enjoy.

A few tunes you should type out to enjoy:
[SPACE] means that you should toggle between the octaves. I assume you start off on the lower octave.
Bagatelle in G Minor by Beethoven: [SPACE]9o98y668y65r2r69[9=998868yy68y65r2
Jingle Bells: [SPACE]2765222765333876r9998677777777956788888777799865
Happy Birthday to You: 55658755659855=0876--0898

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What was your code for using space bar to make it one octave lower? I thought about making and string and trying to get to where when space and (key) was pressed it would play the string. I;m just curious what you have and see if i can get an idea for mine.


could you maybe find a way to key in higher notes?

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