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Tank Simulator

This game is largely unfinished and its already three days late. The code is sort of janky, and the game will lag after some time.

Currently There are 5 levels, 3 kinds of weapons, and 3 kinds of enemies

Weapons: all currently have the same reload time.
- Armor Piercing: Destroys all target at the center of the screen where the cross-hair is.
- High Explosive: Does moderate damage to all targets within a certain area. One-shots APCs, Two-shots Bunkers and Tanks
- Missile: Destroys one target after homing onto the target.

- Tanks: standard unit, does not move (yet)
- Bunker: stationary unit, high health (right now practically the same as the Tank gameplay wise)
- APC: mobile unit, moves across the screen from one side to the other.

Levels: Currently 5 levels are hardcoded into the program with the numbers of enemies and their types predetermined but their spawn location randomized.

The Background moves and the cross-hair stays in the center.

this game took way too long to make, and is still in progress

1325 views / 9 in the last 7 days

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2020-03-19 08:44:26 UTC Add a controls section, Added Missile Target Outline. a few fixes.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2020-03-19 10:38:48 UTC Final Product (for now) comments, removed some unnesccary code


Very fun game! a little slow but all out a great game!


Very fun! Only if hey fought back, now that'd be cool


Pretty fun game and I like the creativity behind it.


Very fun and easy game. Easy learn as well.

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