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LifsAndlat presents ...


New PacMan

Arrow keys to move, collect all the dots to go to the next level.

In honour of the 30th anniversary of PacMan, I'm uploading this. It's similar to pacman, with a few key differences. (zombies instead of ghosts!)

Randomly generated Mazes each time
Zombie AI
Challenging, endless gameplay

Post hiscores if you like :)
(My personal hiscore is 4250)

5473 views / 10 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game maze pacman zombies

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If I were you, I'd make everything muh larger. I can barely tell what anything is! Plus, you have so much empty space, that it wouldn't cramp anything. It's fun, though!


a mi se me queda en initialising

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