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NikZ presents ...


Viral Defense

Two days of (not really) rigorous programming.

Viral Defense is another Defenders of CubeWorld game (to be honest, the only resemblence between the games is that Cubicus is mentioned. I label it this way to make it sound better. :P).

On the right, you will see your money, lives, and time until the next wave.

Also, that is where you buy towers.

Towers (descriptions will be incorperated ingame later):
RED - $100
-Speed Medium
-Damage Medium
-Range Medium
GREEN - $75
-Speed Fast
-Damage Low
-Range Short
BLUE - $125
-Speed Slow
-Damage High
-Range Long

Music (named "Dauntless" by me because it sounds good) composed by me.

What is going on in this game is that you are the firewall and a virus is attacking the computer.
(I beasically said that with fun character names on the right of the title screen)

2782 views / 16 in the last 7 days

Tags: defense tower computer nikz dcw viral

This scenario is a member of: Games by NikZ

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