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JaneSmith wrote ...


Jeopardy Game Problems with Update

JaneSmith JaneSmith


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

import java.awt.Dimension;

import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

 * A <em>component</em> is an object having a graphical representation
 * that can be displayed on the screen and that can interact with the
 * user.
 * The <code>GUIComponent</code> class is the abstract superclass of components
 * such as Button, Label and TextField. Class <code>Component</code> can be
 * extended directly to create other components.
 * @author Ed Parrish
 * @version 1.1  7/26/2011
public abstract class GUIComponent extends Actor {
    public static final Font DEFAULT_FONT = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12);
    public static final Color DEFAULT_FG = Color.BLACK;
    public static final Color DEFAULT_BG = new Color(204, 204, 204);
    // Space between text & edge can be superceded by Border
    private static final Insets DEFAULT_INSETS = new Insets(1, 3, 2, 3);

    // An identifying number for this component.
    private int id;
    // Initially enabled
    private boolean enabled = true;
    // Component made visible when added to the world
    private boolean visible = false;
    private String text = "";
    private Color foreground = DEFAULT_FG;
    private Color background = DEFAULT_BG;
    private Dimension size;
    private Font font = DEFAULT_FONT;
    // The default border for a component
    private Border border = new LineBorder();
    private List<ActionListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ActionListener>();

     * The component that will receive all keystrokes.
    private static GUIComponent focusOwner;

     * Indicates whether this component can be focused.
    private boolean focusable = true;

     * Constructs a new component.
    public GUIComponent() { }

     * Constructs a new component with the specified text.
     * The component will not display until <code>repaint()</code> is called
     * either directly or indirectly through calling a method like
     * <code>setFont()</code>.
     * @param str The text to display on the component.
    public GUIComponent(String str) {
        text = str;
        if (text == null) text = "";

     * Constructs a new component setting the specified parameters.
     * The component will not display until <code>repaint()</code> is called
     * either directly or indirectly through calling a method like
     * <code>setFont()</code>.
     * @param str The text to display on the component.
     * @param f The font to use when displaying the text.
     * @param fg The foreground color to use when displaying text.
     * @param bg The background color of the component.
    public GUIComponent(String str, Font f, Color fg, Color bg) {
        text = str;
        if (text == null) text = "";
        font = f;
        foreground = fg;
        background = bg;

     * Constructs a new component setting the specified parameters.
     * The component will not display until <code>repaint()</code> is called
     * either directly or indirectly through calling a method like
     * <code>setFont()</code>.
     * @param str The text to display on the component.
     * @param f The font to use when displaying the text.
     * @param fg The foreground color to use when displaying text.
     * @param bg The background color of this component.
     * @param b The border to be rendered for this component.
    public GUIComponent(String str, Font f, Color fg, Color bg, Border b) {
        text = str;
        if (text == null) text = "";
        font = f;
        foreground = fg;
        background = bg;
        border = b;

     * Default behavior for a component that implements the focus system.
     * Override in subclasses for more specific behavior. However, call
     * <code>super.act()</code> to allow focus changes.
    public void act() {
        if (Greenfoot.mousePressed(this) && !isFocusOwner()) {

     * Set an ID number for this component.
     * @param idNumber An identifier number.
    public void setID(int idNumber) {
        id = idNumber;

     * Return the ID number of this component.
     * @return The ID number for this component.
    public int getID() {
        return id;

     * Enables or disables the component, depending on the value of the
     * parameter <code>b</code>.
     * An enabled component can respond to user input and generate events.
     * Components are enabled initially by default.
     * @param b Set true to enable the component, otherwise false.
    public void setEnabled(boolean b) {
        enabled = b;
        if (enabled) {
        } else if (!enabled) {

     * Converts an image to a "disabled" version.
     * @param img The image to "disable".
    private static void makeDisabledImage(GreenfootImage img) {
        if (img == null) return;
        final float RED_LUMINANCE = 0.229f;
        final float GREEN_LUMINANCE = 0.587f;
        final float BLUE_LUMINANCE = 0.114f;
        final int RGB_MIN = 148;
        final int RGBA_MAX = 255;
        for (int x = 0; x < img.getWidth(); x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < img.getHeight(); y++) {
                Color c = img.getColorAt(x, y);
                if (c.getAlpha() >= RGBA_MAX) {
                    float red = c.getRed() * RED_LUMINANCE;
                    float green = c.getGreen() * GREEN_LUMINANCE;
                    float blue = c.getBlue() * BLUE_LUMINANCE;
                    int luminance = (int) (red + green + blue);
                    if (luminance < RGB_MIN) luminance = RGB_MIN;
                    Color color = new Color(luminance, luminance, luminance);
                    img.setColorAt(x, y, color);

     * Determines whether this component is enabled.
     * An enabled component can respond to user input and generate events.
     * Components are enabled initially by default. A component may be enabled
     * or disabled by calling its <code>setEnabled()</code> method.
     * @return Returns true if the component is enabled, false otherwise.
    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return enabled;

     * Set the text to be displayed.
     * @param newText The new text to be displayed on this component.
    public void setText(String newText) {
        String oldText = text;
        text = newText;
        if (text == null) text = "";
        if (text != oldText) repaint();

     * Returns the text for this component.
     * @return The text displayed on this component.
    public String getText() {
        return text;

     * Set the font to use for writing the component text.
     * @param newFont The font used to write on this component.
    public void setFont(Font newFont) {
        Font oldFont = font;
        font = newFont;
        if (newFont != null) getImage().setFont(newFont);
        if (font != oldFont) repaint();

     * Returns the current font used by this component, or null if
     * no font has been set.
     * @return The current font or null if not font has been set.
    public Font getFont() {
        if (font != null) {
            return font;
        return getImage().getFont();

     * Resizes this component so that it has width <code>d.width</code>
     * and height <code>d.height</code>.
     * @param d The dimension specifying the new size.
    public void setSize(Dimension d) {
        Dimension oldSize = size;
        size = new Dimension(d); // defensive copy
        if (size != oldSize) repaint();

     * Returns the current height of this component.
     * @return The height of this component.
    public int getHeight() {
        if (size != null) {
            return size.height;
        } else {
            return getImage().getHeight();

     * Returns the current width of this component.
     * @return The weight of this component.
    public int getWidth() {
        if (size != null) {
            return size.width;
        } else {
            return getImage().getWidth();

     * Determines whether this component is set to a fixed size.
     * By default a component will determine its own size based on properties
     * such as the text to display. However, the component can be set to a
     * fixed size using the <code>setSize()</code> method.
     * @return Returns <code>true</code> if the component is a fixed size;
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean isFixedSize() {
        return size != null;

     * Set the foreground color of this component, such as its text.
     * @param fg The desired foreground color.
    public void setForeground(Color fg) {
        Color oldColor = foreground;
        foreground = fg;
        if (foreground != oldColor) repaint();

     * Gets the foreground color of this component.
     * @return The foreground color of this component.
    public Color getForeground() {
        return foreground;

     * Set the background color of this component.
     * @param bg The desired background color.
    public void setBackground(Color bg) {
        Color oldColor = background;
        background = bg;
        if (background != oldColor) repaint();

     * Gets the background color of this component.
     * @return The background color of this component.
    public Color getBackground() {
        return background;

     * Sets the border of this component. The <code>Border</code> object is
     * responsible for defining the insets for the component and for
     * rendering any border decorations.
     * @param newBorder The border to be rendered for this component
    public void setBorder(Border newBorder) {
        Border oldBorder = border;
        border = newBorder;
        if (border != oldBorder) repaint();

     * Returns the border of this component or <code>null</code> if no
     * border is currently set.
     * @return the border object for this component
     * @see #setBorder
    public Border getBorder() {
        return border;

     * Gets the insets of this component, which indicate the size of this
     * component's border.
     * @return The insets of this component.
    public Insets getInsets() {
        if (border != null) {
            return border.getBorderInsets();
        return DEFAULT_INSETS;

     * Returns a string representation of this component and its values.
     * @return A string representation of this component.
    public String toString() {
        return getClass().getName() + "(id=" + id + ", text=\"" + text
            + "\", width=" + size.width + ", height=" + size.height + ")";

    // Focus management methods

     * Sets the focusable state of this <code>GUIComponent</code> to the
     * specified value. This value overrides the component's default
     * focusability.
     * @param canFocus Determines whether this component is focusable.
    public void setFocusable(boolean canFocus) {
        focusable = canFocus;

     * Returns whether this <code>GUIComponent</code> can receive focus.
     * @return <code>true</code> if this <code>GUIComponent</code> is
     *         focusable; <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean isFocusable() {
        return focusable;

     * Requests that this component get the input focus.
     * To receive focus, this component must be focusable and enabled.
     * Developers must never assume that this component is the focus owner
     * and must check the return value to be certain. If this method returns
     * true then focus was received. If <code>false</code> is returned,
     * the request failed.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the focus succeeds and <code>false</code>
     *         if the focus fails.
    public boolean requestFocus() {
        if (isFocusable() && isEnabled()) {
            if (focusOwner != null) {
                GUIComponent oldFocusOwner = focusOwner;
                focusOwner = null;
                oldFocusOwner.repaint(); // to remove focus decoration
            // Clear KB buffer disabled due to null pointer on start up
            // java.lang.NullPointerException
            //  at greenfoot.Greenfoot.getKey(
            // Evidently, Greenfoot is not always available when World is
            // Greenfoot.getKey(); // clear keyboard buffer
            focusOwner = this;
            focusOwner.repaint(); // add focus decoration
            return true;
        return false;

     * Returns <code>true</code> if this component is the focus owner.
     * @return <code>true</code> if this component is the focus owner;
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise
     * @since 1.4
    public boolean isFocusOwner() {
        return focusOwner == this;

    // ActionListener callback management methods

     * Adds a class implementing the <code>ActionListener</code> interface to
     * the notification list.
     * @param al The <code>ActionListener</code> to add to the notification
     *        list.
    public void addActionListener(ActionListener al) {

     * Notifies all listeners that have registered using
     * <code>addActionListener()</code> for notification.
    protected void fireActionEvent() {
        for (int i = 0; i < listeners.size(); i++) {
            ActionListener al = listeners.get(i);

     * Removes an <code>ActionListener</code> from the component.
     * @param al The <code>ActionListener</code> to remove.
    public void removeActionListener(ActionListener al) {

    // Paint management methods

     * Make visible when added to world.
     * @param w the world.
    public void addedToWorld(World w) {
        visible = true;
        if (!enabled) makeDisabledImage(getImage());

     * Paints the component image, including the background, border and text.
    public void repaint() {
        if (visible && enabled) {
            Graphics g = getGraphics();
            // Refresh the graphics context in case the image was changed
            g = getGraphics();
            paintText(g);  // paintChildren() in Swing

     * Gets a graphics context for this component from this Actor's image.
     * @return a graphics context for this component.
    public Graphics getGraphics() {
        Graphics g = getImage().getAwtImage().getGraphics();
        if (getFont() != null) g.setFont(getFont());
        if (getForeground() != null) g.setColor(getForeground());
        return g;

     * Prepares the components background image.
     * @param g  the <code>Graphics</code> context in which to paint.
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { /* override in subclass */ }

     * Paints the component's border, if it has one.
     * @param g The <code>Graphics</code> context in which to paint.
    protected void paintBorder(Graphics g) {
        Border b = getBorder();
        if (b != null) {
            b.paintBorder(this, g);

     * Paints the text onto the components background image.
     * @param g The <code>Graphics</code> context in which to paint.
    public void paintText(Graphics g) { /* override in subclass */ }

     * Wraps a single string into an array of strings for some maximum
     * number of characters. Also will split lines on newlines or the
     * characters "\n" allowing simple manually placed newlines.
     * @param str The text to word wrap.
     * @param max The maximum number of characters per line.
     * @return The word-wrapped lines of text.
     * @author
     * @author Ed Parrish (changed regex, added max, added newline split,
     * removed extra blank line at end)
    public static String[] wordWrap(String str, int max) {
        if (max <= 0) return new String[0];
        Pattern wrapRE =
            Pattern.compile(".{0," + (max - 1) + "}(?:\\S(?:-| |\n|$)|\n|$)");
        List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
        Matcher m = wrapRE.matcher(str);
        while (m.find()) list.add(;
        if (list.get(list.size() - 1).equals("")) list.remove(list.size() - 1);
        return (String[]) list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

     * Computes the dimension needed to display text in the specified
     * <code>Graphics</code> context.
     * @param str The text to display on this component.
     * @param g The <code>Graphics</code> context in which to paint.
     * @return the dimension (width and height) needed.
    public Dimension getTextDimension(String str, Graphics g) {
        // Calculate image size based on text width & height
        if (str == null) str = "";
        FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
        // Allow multiple lines separated by newline characters ('\n')
        String[] lines = str.split("\n");
        int width = 1;
        int height = 0;
        Rectangle2D[] bounds = new Rectangle2D[lines.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
            bounds[i] = g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(lines[i], g);
            width = Math.max(width, (int) Math.ceil(bounds[i].getWidth()));
            height += Math.ceil(bounds[i].getHeight());
        Insets insets = getInsets();
        if (insets != null) {
            width += insets.left + insets.right;
            height += + insets.bottom;
        if (height <= 0) height = 1;
        return new Dimension(width, height);

     * Splits the text into multiple lines in the specified
     * <code>Graphics</code> context.
     * If the component size is fixed, then the text is word wrapped to fit.
     * Otherwise, text is split on '\n' characters.
     * @param str The text to display on this component.
     * @param g The <code>Graphics</code> context in which to paint.
     * @return the split lines of text.
    public String[] splitLines(String str, Graphics g) {
        FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
        if (str == null) str = "";
        String[] lines = null;
        if (isFixedSize()) {
            int pixelsWide = fm.stringWidth(str);
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            if (insets != null) {
                pixelsWide += (insets.left + insets.right);
            int maxChars = Math.round(getWidth()
                / ((float) pixelsWide / str.length()));
            lines = wordWrap(str, maxChars);
        } else {
            lines = str.split("\n");
        return lines;

 * This interface defines the listener method: <code>actionPerformed()</code>.
 * This listener interface can be used for callbacks like the Java Swing
 * <code>ActionListener</code> interface. The class processing the callback
 * must:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Implement this interface</li>
 * <li>Register to receive callbacks by calling the
 * <code>addActionListener()</code> method of <code>GUIComponent</code></li>
 * </ul>
 * See the <code>GUIWorld</code> class for examples of how to use this
 * interface.
 * This interface is included in the <code>GUIComponent</code> class to make it
 * easier to use the components by reducing the number of files to copy into a
 * project.
 * @author Edward Parrish
 * @version 1.2  12/27/2010
interface ActionListener {
     * A GUIComponent in the world invoked a command.
     * @param c The GUIComponent making the command
    public void actionPerformed(GUIComponent c);

 * Interface describing an object capable of rendering a border
 * around the edges of a <code>GUIComponent</code>.
 * See the <code>GUIWorld</code> class for examples of how to use this
 * interface.
 * You can write your own border class by implementing this interface.
 * This interface is included in the <code>GUIComponent</code> class to make it
 * easier to use the components by reducing the number of files to copy into a
 * project.
 * @author Ed Parrish
 * @version 1.0  01/05/2011
 * @see LineBorder
interface Border {
     * Paints the border for the specified component.
     * @param c The component for which this border is being painted.
     * @param g The graphics context in which to paint.
    void paintBorder(GUIComponent c, Graphics g);

     * Returns the insets of the border.
     * @return A new <code>Insets</code> object with the required values
     *         needed for drawing the border.
    Insets getBorderInsets();

 * A class which implements a simple line border in the color black.
 * This interface is included in the <code>GUIComponent</code> class to make it
 * easier to use the components by reducing the number of files to copy into a
 * project.
 * See the <code>GUIWorld</code> class for examples of how to use this
 * interface.
 * @author Ed Parrish
 * @version 1.0  01/05/2011
class LineBorder implements Border {
    // Padding to leave small horizontal gap between box edge and cursor
    private static final int X_PAD = 3;
    private Color color;
    private int thickness;

     * Creates a simple line border in the color black and a thickness of one.
    public LineBorder() {
        this(Color.BLACK, 1);

     * Creates a simple line border with the specified color and thickness.
     * @param lineColor The color of the border.
     * @param lineThickness The thickness of the border.
    public LineBorder(Color lineColor, int lineThickness) {
        color = lineColor;
        thickness = lineThickness;

     * Paints the border for the specified component.
     * @param c The component for which this border is being painted.
     * @param g The graphics context in which to paint.
    public void paintBorder(GUIComponent c, Graphics g) {
        Color oldColor = g.getColor();
        for (int i = 0; i < thickness; i++)  {
            g.drawRect(i, i, c.getWidth() - i - i - 1,
                c.getHeight() - i - i - 1);

     * Returns a new <code>Insets</code> object where the <code>top</code>,
     * <code>left</code>, <code>bottom</code>, and <code>right</code>
     * fields return the values needed for drawing the border.
     * @return A new <code>Insets</code> object with the required values
     *         needed for drawing the border.
    public Insets getBorderInsets()       {
        return new Insets(thickness, thickness + X_PAD, thickness,
            thickness + X_PAD);
mcgee wrote...
The problem is the jeopardy game on the website not longer works. Because we have an updated version of greenfoot on our computers here in the lab we end up with many errors. This is the game that is located in on What are your thoughts about fixing our errors?
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