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108089 wrote ...


Error in GifImage class

108089 108089


Hi, while working on a game with a Gif in the background and one actor that is a Gif the program doesnt compile and I get the following lines to appear red in my terminal window: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space ... at GifImage.loadImages( at GifImage.<init>( at weg.<init>( ... Does anyone what can causes this and how to fix this?
danpost danpost


Please show your World subclass codes.
108089 108089


This is my code. I now just have one actor that will spawn in and just in lane A. But in the end it is my goal to randomly generate a object in each lane (A, B and C) based on the randomly generated integers A, B and C.
import greenfoot.*;

 * Write a description of class weg here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)

public class weg extends World

    GifImage background = new GifImage("achtergrond.gif");
    private int Timer = 0;
     * Constructor for objects of class weg.
    public weg()
        super(510, 510, 1); 
        addObject(new man(), 255, 370);  
        setPaintOrder(man.class, auto.class, blok.class);
    private int A = 0;
    private int B = 0;
    private int C = 0;
    public void act()
        setBackground( background.getCurrentImage() );
        if (Timer <150) {
        else {
            Timer = 0;
            A = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3);
            B = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3);
            C = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(3);
            if (A == 2) {
                addObject(new auto(), 250, 180);
            //String AA = Integer.toString(A);
            //showText(AA, 255, 255);
108089 108089


I forgot to mention that the error doesn't Always show up. It does show up once every few times I compile, even if I don't change anything. If I than close greenfoot en open my project again and than it works just fine. This might be important.
danpost danpost


I have a feeling it is your background gif images that are using up your memory. What is the actual size of each image in the gif set?
108089 108089


The background image is 4,53 MB and the actor is only 67 kB so I think that it is indeed the background image that causes the problem. Is there a way to fix this?
danpost danpost


108089 wrote...
The background image is 4,53 MB and the actor is only 67 kB so I think that it is indeed the background image that causes the problem. Is there a way to fix this?
I really cannot say. How many images are in the gif and what are the dimensions of each image?
108089 108089


I have just comprimized the gif and now it is only about 1 MB, but I stil have the same issue. I have no idea how many images are in the Gif. Besides that my greenfoot dit kind of crash. After restarting greenfoot it I am unable to change anything. See the image for a print screen. PrtScr By the way thanks for al the help untill now, I hope you can help me out once again!
danpost danpost


Put print screen to an image sharing site (like imgur). I, for one, do not open anything that could potentially be harmful to my computer.
danpost danpost


Can you open other scenarios and change them?
108089 108089


Thanks for helping, i have worked around the problem by chosing a different background. Sorry for not replying for so long but i just forgot about it.
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