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Greenfoot back
Recorsi wrote ...


Spawn objects faster the less objects of that kind are in the world

Recorsi Recorsi


Hello, i have a method that spawns rocks over time:
public void placeRocks()
        if(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(70) == 1)
          int x = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(900);
          int y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(900);
          Rock rock = new Rock();
          addObject(rock, x, y);
Those rocks can be destroyed, what makes the world pretty empty after a while (if you destroy them fast). So i was asking how do i let additional rocks spawn faster the less rocks there are currently in the world? Thanks :)
danpost danpost


You can base the random chance to spawn on the number of rocks currently in the world. For example, line 3 could be:
if (1+Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100*getObjects(Rock.class).size()) == 1)
Recorsi Recorsi


Thanks Now i get this weird error sometimes: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive at Space.placeRocks( (which is the new code)" and in average rocks spawn a lot less. (Do I have to change to 100 for that?)
Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


Try this:
if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(1+50*getObjects(Rock.class).size()) == 0)
Recorsi Recorsi


Super_Hippo wrote...
Try this:
if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(1+50*getObjects(Rock.class).size()) == 0)
Thanks :)
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