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Greenfoot back
fabipfolix wrote ...


isTouching not really working

fabipfolix fabipfolix


I'm programming a little Basketball Game. If the Ball is hitting the Hoop he should be thrown back, but nothing happens. Here is my Ball class:
import greenfoot.*;

public class Ball extends Actor
    public int deltaX = (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(5) + 3);
    public int deltaY = (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(5) + 3);
    public void act() 
        setLocation(getX() + deltaX, getY() + deltaY);  
    public void wallCollision()
        if (getX() < 10 || getX() > 1823)
            deltaX = -deltaX;      
        if (getY() < 10 || getY() > 1090)
            deltaY = -deltaY;   
    public void touchingHoop()
        if (isTouching(Backboard.class)) 
            deltaX = -deltaX;  

danpost danpost


Is the Backboard object considered to be the Hoop? Side note: you should probably use direction conditions along with edge checking (only reverse direction if close to edge and currently moving toward that edge).
fabipfolix fabipfolix


danpost wrote...
Is the Backboard object considered to be the Hoop? Side note: you should probably use direction conditions along with edge checking (only reverse direction if close to edge and currently moving toward that edge).
The Backboard is one of 4 subclasses of the hoop. But it didn't worked when i tried
if (isTouching(Hoop.class)) 
But with Backboard.class it didn't worked as well. Edit: Now it's working, although I haven't changed anything.
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