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Venbha wrote ...



Venbha Venbha


I am Making a scenario in which you have a Fidget spinner and a switch which has text on two sides; manual and automatic. when it is in automatic, the spinner will turn around and when in manual, when you click it will spin. What is the code for it? Please reply below | REPLY>COM
Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


Venbha wrote...
I am Making a scenario...
If you are making the scenario, don't ask to get the complete code of the scenario.
Venbha Venbha


Ok but I just want the toggling code
Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


You can either: - save a reference to the fidget spinner in the switch - switch checks for clicks on itself: if switch is clicked, let the fidget spinner know that it was clicked (call a method on the fidget spinner object) - in this method, change a variable of the fidget spinner - the fidget spinner moves depending on this variable or: - save a reference to the switch in the fidget spinner - the fidget spinner checks for clicks on the switch - ... (rest like above)
Venbha Venbha


I will try it in my project thank you(even if it doesn't)
Venbha Venbha




can you write the code ONLY for detecting if the switch has been clicked it will spin (Or else stop spinning)
Yehuda Yehuda


Venbha wrote...
can you write the code ONLY for detecting if the switch has been clicked it will spin (Or else stop spinning)
That's what's above. The code deals with the actions of two classes, these actions are described by Hippo.
danpost danpost


Venbha wrote...
can you write the code ONLY for detecting if the switch has been clicked it will spin (Or else stop spinning)
The following should be sufficient with empty Spinner and Switch classes:
import greenfoot.*;

public class MyWorld extends World
    Actor spinner;
    Actor toggle;
    boolean auto;
    public MyWorld()
        super(600, 400, 1);
        spinner = new Spinner();
        addObject(spinner, 300, 200);
        toggle= new Switch();
        addObject(toggle, 80, 200);
    public void act()
        if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(toggle))
            auto = ! auto;
            toggle.setImage("toggle"+(auto ? "On" : "Off")+".png");
        if (auto) spinner.turn(5);
You can adjust the image filenames for the toggle as needed.
Venbha Venbha


should I use 'On.png' and 'Off.png' for this following line in line 24?
            toggle.setImage("toggle"+(auto ? "On" : "Off")+".png");
Venbha Venbha


I will for now... :() <:)
Venbha Venbha


k thanks all :))) :D
Venbha Venbha


See link of my scenario Fidget Spinner
Venbha Venbha


And I also wrote the Code ONLY on the WORLD
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