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rockon411 wrote ...


Assigning a Value and Returning it

rockon411 rockon411


I have created a parent class with a getCost() method in order to return the cost of the actor. Each subclass has a different value so I need to be able to distinguish those, but I currently know that I am missing something because even if I change the initial private int cost to some other value it still returns 0. I would appreciate any help.
private int cost = 0;

public int getFoodCost()
        return cost;
danpost danpost


Please show the codes to one of the subclasses.
rockon411 rockon411


All I have currently is
public class Minnow extends Fish
    private int cost = 3;

    public Minnow()
and when I test it using this code
public void setUp()
        colony = new Colony();
        nemo = new Minnow();

    public void testGetCost()
        assertEquals(3, nemo.getFoodCost());
it fails and says expected 0.
Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


Remove line 3 in the Minnow class.
rockon411 rockon411


Ok, so how do I designate the value of each subclass since they are all different?
danpost danpost


rockon411 wrote...
Ok, so how do I designate the value of each subclass since they are all different?
public class Minnow extends Fish
    public Minnow()
        cost = 3;
and change the first line of code given in this thread to:
protected int cost = 0;
Or, you could add the following in the parent class:
protected void setCost(int value)
    cost = value;
and in the subclasses
// instead of
cost = 3; // or whatever
// use
setCost(3); // or whatever
rockon411 rockon411


It works now! Thank you so much!
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