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Scenarios tagged: uaslp

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play EcologicalMadness
plays 3153 / votes 0


by KaRim280789, 2009/12/4

you are "greenbot" and your mission is protect the ecology of the destructive factory.

play SavingTheWhale
plays 3238 / votes 0


by perman, 2009/12/4

The hamster must save the whale

play Rider
plays 3958 / votes 0


by adrianbenj, 2009/12/4

you have to stop the pyromaniac, stop the oill spills and avoid the acid rain

play ToxicWater
plays 2895 / votes 0


by MayraMonreal, 2009/12/4

close faucets and save villagers

play WildlifeRescue
plays 3268 / votes 0


by Diego, 2009/12/4

find the keys and save the Pandas

play Big Fish
plays 7598 / votes 10

Big Fish

by Kuran Kaname, 2008/10/27

UASLP Class Project