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Scenarios tagged: physics

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play Fight
plays 3158 / votes 0


by ulises_260987, 2009/6/18

kills Pucca

play lunarDrifter
plays 8788 / votes 8


by ElJayel, 2009/6/22

Multi-level lander game

play wombats
plays 3338 / votes 0


by bayarkhuu, 2009/5/31


play Bird Poop
plays 4409 / votes 0

Bird Poop

by BwuffaloBwill2, 2009/5/22

Poop into Buckets!

play XiaolinShowdown
plays 3594 / votes 1


by miyaz, 2009/5/25

Platform Game XiaolinShowdown

play TargetPractice
plays 6261 / votes 3


by Park.Hin.Yeung, 2009/5/22

Simple target practice game to test your reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination

play The Art of Clay Pigeons
plays 5072 / votes 0

The Art of Clay Pigeons

by ktmwww.ktm, 2009/5/19

Shoot the Clays

play Waveloop variation on Wave-Lab
plays 5186 / votes 3

Waveloop variation on Wave-Lab

by marla, 2009/5/5

Simple physics simulation slightly awry

play Commando
plays 8146 / votes 3


by tkiesel, 2009/3/2

Space shooter inspired by Asteroids