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Scenarios tagged: physics

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play Water Works
plays 21115 / votes 42

Water Works

by Builderboy2005, 2009/11/26

Fixed highlight bug

play greepWars
plays 18060 / votes 31


by kenshinakh, 2008/10/10

GreepWars: A game based on MiksAsteroid - I'm not fixing this anymore b/c my coding style changed too much.

play Rigid Body Physics Engine
plays 7541 / votes 6

Rigid Body Physics Engine

by MTK, 2009/11/5

Exactly what the name says! (Well, not quite yet.)

play 2d-rigid-physics-engine
plays 6231 / votes 6


by MTK, 2009/10/29

A rigid body physics engine.

play 3D Earth
plays 10286 / votes 15

3D Earth

by Builderboy2005, 2009/10/19

Now with planes

play DUCK-HUNT.   More slowly
plays 4636 / votes 1

DUCK-HUNT. More slowly

by EduardoCalderonC, 2009/7/22

Gane puntos matando Patos

play Bear Box Collision
plays 4281 / votes 2

Bear Box Collision

by Abydoz, 2009/10/11

Bounding box collision

play MailSorting
plays 9321 / votes 12


by tombud999, 2009/8/24

with mouse tossing control

play Rigid Body Physics
plays 11600 / votes 25

Rigid Body Physics

by Builderboy2005, 2009/9/28

Multiple Objects