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Scenarios tagged: one

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play DuoTetris
plays 2555 / votes 0


by Papa, 2013/6/25

Parallel Tetris for two

play Intro2Greenfoot
plays 1716 / votes 0


by p5armstrong21, 2018/8/23


play Mouse The Explorer
plays 1580 / votes 0

Mouse The Explorer

by fikli16, 2015/5/7

play May VS Trump
plays 2114 / votes 0

May VS Trump

by MayVsTrump, 2018/1/24

Prime minister of Britain battles America's president

play To the Sea
plays 1501 / votes 0

To the Sea

by Lorii_02, 2021/6/9

A little turtle wants to go to the ocean. Project by Laura Vivian for the digital games course of UNICAP. Game on Brazil Portuguese.

play You can't RUN from Terrorist
plays 2353 / votes 1

You can't RUN from Terrorist

by galangtruno, 2015/6/11

Counter Terrorist

play Random Drawer
plays 2497 / votes 0

Random Drawer

by JetLennit, 2013/7/12

plays 1810 / votes 0


by fachrulusman, 2015/5/7