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Scenarios tagged: high

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play castle defence 1
plays 7217 / votes 9

castle defence 1

by tylers, 2012/5/12

defend the castle with turrets.

play Stewie and Homer Are in Trouble
plays 3541 / votes 1

Stewie and Homer Are in Trouble

by JayWood860, 2012/3/31

Avoid the asteroids and lead Stewie and Homer to vicotory. IF YOU CAN!!

play Chess
plays 3442 / votes 0


by icegecko11, 2011/6/6

An old-time favorite

play Bouncy
plays 3492 / votes 0


by 10713, 2010/6/12

a lost alien's journey back to the moon

play little-crab
plays 3903 / votes 0


by acahill, 2010/9/17

must avoid starfish

play little-crab
plays 8728 / votes 0


by vulcanmario, 2010/9/17

Multiplayer little-crab with game over screen and animation

play little-crab
plays 2591 / votes 0


by PSekulski, 2010/9/17


play Attack of the Turtle
plays 2957 / votes 0

Attack of the Turtle

by jahhi, 2010/9/17

Two Players

play little-crab EthanY
plays 2639 / votes 0

little-crab EthanY

by EtYen, 2010/9/17

Lemur Drops Rocks