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Scenarios tagged: class

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play Easy Game Creation
plays 24936 / votes 9

Easy Game Creation

by Game/maniac, 2012/11/15

A Support Class which lets you make a game easily

play CircularMover
plays 10087 / votes 1


by tombud999, 2009/7/4

A reusable class to move actor in circular path (using vector)

play menu class
plays 8265 / votes 10

menu class

by danpost, 2012/2/14

A simple re-usable menu and sub-menu class combination.

play MathManiacsSmoothMover Class
plays 6404 / votes 3

MathManiacsSmoothMover Class

by MathManiac, 2010/12/4

A dynamic class I made

play Light Beam Class Demo
plays 5469 / votes 7

Light Beam Class Demo

by danpost, 2012/12/26

An actor class that creates a beam of light within darkness. Follows a light source object.

play Pause World Class
plays 5239 / votes 3

Pause World Class

by danpost, 2013/1/22

A world class that can visually portray the paused state of another world.

play Text Centering (Label class)
plays 4668 / votes 0

Text Centering (Label class)

by Zamoht, 2013/7/15

A class for working with text centering.

play Fps Actor Class
plays 4553 / votes 2

Fps Actor Class

by danpost, 2014/1/14

A class to add to your projects to see how fast they run.

play Highscores
plays 4354 / votes 5


by Busch2207, 2013/5/17

Two different highscores, which can be implement in own games!