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Scenarios tagged: circle

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play Circle Flying - unfinished
plays 2574 / votes 0

Circle Flying - unfinished

by Michionlion, 2012/4/10

Want to fly a circle?

play Bubbles
plays 2304 / votes 0


by Grant_Wrich, 2014/10/29

Bubbles and Gravity! :D

play Brick
plays 2610 / votes 0


by DoctorMitch, 2015/2/17

Join Brick on his never ending journey!

play Bubbles
plays 4700 / votes 0


by dtdaniels, 2010/2/13

play Pacman In Space
plays 5969 / votes 1

Pacman In Space

by krickette, 2010/5/24

A simple version of pacman where you dispense the balls to be eaten.

play Multitask
plays 2984 / votes 0


by DonaldDuck, 2011/1/15

Triple dose

play URL & Round Image
plays 3810 / votes 1

URL & Round Image

by robg, 2013/2/25

Fetches an image from a URL, and crops it to a circle

play Circle Catcher
plays 3039 / votes 1

Circle Catcher

by trimil, 2016/5/12

Catch the falling circles