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Scenarios tagged: actor

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play CircusShooter2
plays 2196 / votes 0


by RedBird420, 2016/4/20

Shoot the elephants and make them go away.

play Donnie v. Cruz
plays 2287 / votes 0

Donnie v. Cruz

by BlueFalcon1, 2016/4/25

Donald Trump Battles Ted Cruz for Survival

play CircularMover
plays 10096 / votes 1


by tombud999, 2009/7/4

A reusable class to move actor in circular path (using vector)

play sudut_koordinat_mulkan_project
plays 3552 / votes 0


by mulkan, 2009/11/2

play Fps Actor Class
plays 4565 / votes 2

Fps Actor Class

by danpost, 2014/1/14

A class to add to your projects to see how fast they run.

play Twisters
plays 4116 / votes 4


by danpost, 2014/1/27

Click anywhere to create twisters.