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Scenarios tagged: 2d

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play Asteroids
plays 2935 / votes 0


by AugustoRusso, 2013/11/27

Uma nave precisa salvar a terra

play Infinity_Line
plays 2767 / votes 0


by MrMagicMax, 2016/4/2

curve fever

play Flash Fighter
plays 3240 / votes 0

Flash Fighter

by Josp101, 2014/8/15

2D Fighter with infinite depth

play Attack_on_Astercore
plays 2628 / votes 0


by Firedudeet, 2014/5/20

Game for College Work.

play Horde
plays 1479 / votes 0


by Y0kiD0ki, 2021/7/13

Survive the horde.

play Afterlife: Redemption
plays 2517 / votes 0

Afterlife: Redemption

by MarxVision, 2014/8/22

A platform zombie shooter that has good music and that's pretty much it.

play Reminiscor
plays 2520 / votes 0


by TheMissingKey, 2013/8/18

A frustrating memory game

play Platforming
plays 2886 / votes 0


by ShoutToUs, 2013/1/9

A difficult platforming game.

play Adventure
plays 3907 / votes 0


by DonaldDuck, 2012/6/28

Look familiar?