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Greenfoot back
5mark7 wrote ...


How to add separate classes.

5mark7 5mark7


In Chapter 8 ( I think) he does a simulation of gravity. His demo, Newtons-Lab-1, has an additional Vector class in an area called "Other Classes?" My question is how do you set-up and use this third part (other classes) on the greenfoot IDE. I think that's what you call the main page. thanks mark.
danpost danpost


You could add a new subclass of World or Actor and turn it into an "other" class by removing the 'extends' part of the class declaration. However, using the menubar with 'Edit>New class...' will start one with the appropriate template.
5mark7 5mark7


thanks Dan. And, I have some other good news for myself. It looks very favorable that my little high school is going to re-instate my computer programming class. So, I will definitely be around with more questions as I keep learning this thing. have a great day mark.
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