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Greenfoot back
Nosson1459 wrote ...


Greenfoot src

Nosson1459 Nosson1459


What are the steps that I would need to do so that I can open the Greenfoot IDE source code (I already downloaded it) in NetBeans and when I press run it will run fine without any errors or bugs? (I thinks I know that one of the things I have to do is go to "Run" in the project properties and play around with some thing(s) there but I don't know what, there are also compiling errors).
Nosson1459 Nosson1459


Anybody knows how? (Greenfoot was coded in an IDE, unless it was done in a bunch of text files, so it should be possible to open it in an IDE - NetBeans.)
nccb nccb


Unfortunately, in general IDEs are a pain for setting up new projects. And because the source code for Greenfoot predates a lot of IDEs or build tools, it has its own individual structure. We do have some documentation for setting up in Eclipse and IntelliJ (see doc folder in the BlueJ half) but as it happens I don't think any of the full-time developers are using NetBeans so we haven't got that one written down. We do use ant for building, so your best bet may be to get NetBeans to treat it as two ant projects (BlueJ, and Greenfoot -- you need BlueJ for Greenfoot to work). I'm afraid it's not something we can provide detailed support for.
Nosson1459 Nosson1459


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